Hw Upgrade

Eccovi Il mio primo Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) che mi è costato più di 1 anno e mezzo di lavoro ( a intermittenza )

Racconta la storia di 1 utente che scala la board fino ad arrivare ad Admin ( che storia ambigua )
Il Mod/Mappack è dedicato completamente al forum di Hw-upgrade ( w*w.hwupgrade.it )

Eccovi my first Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) that it has cost to me more than 1 year and means of job (to intermittenza)

It tells the history of 1 customer who scale the board until arriving to Admin (than ambiguous history) the Mod/Mappack is dedicated completely to the forum of Hw-upgrade (w*w.hwupgrade.it)

Official Video:

The Installation is completely automatic (works alone with the installed Steam)

Puo to succeed that in the loading of some map disabiliti A.I in order to restore you open it the consul key \ and digitate “to _disable” then enter (the shipment) exited they give it to consul always the same key \ and played….

Mod: Hw-Upgrade Final
Rar: 158 Mb
Gioco: 491 Mb
Difficolta: Media
New Texture: Si
New Sound: Si
Release: °°°Kid (Is My)

Download Moddb:


PS: I dont Not the home page for this mod/mappack

Bye from Italy

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Hardware Upgrade: Remaster


For the last few weeks I have been working on remastering a mod from 2006 called HW Upgrade. It's an Italian mod released by Luckid. It's 99% complete so it WILL be released very soon. Just some bug fixing is needed a few more playtests. Lighting has been completely reworked, along with implementing Mapbase for parallax reflections.

Before 1The image above is before and the image below is after.

After 1

There are seven playable maps, and seven bonus maps that are from the original mod.

I hope it was worth the wait. -Arctix

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Multiplayer Map

Multiplayer Half-Life 2 DM is complete dedicate for my board friend... new texture and sound... Good Game Luckid

Hw Upgrade Mod Install

Full Version

Complete Full Install

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 31)
ArctixSnowPup - - 11 comments

Posting an update to this mod soon. Been working on it for a little over a month now. Hopefully it's worth the time spent as the play time is like 30 minutes or less. Completely overhauled a lot of stuff. No idea why things were like they were.

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BionicCoyote - - 1,250 comments


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kingdruiduk.AKA.DJ - - 777 comments

does it work on you system? I managed to unbreak it but a couple of levels have ai disabled. I put ai resume in properties and console but it dont clear, so i think it's a another issue.

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BionicCoyote - - 1,250 comments

I haven't tried it yet. In fact, I completely forgot that I commented on this. I only commented so I could remember to come back to this page and download it... Fail lolololol

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Cremat0r - - 6,885 comments

Wow, quite quiet about this mod.
Why bother about such utter ****?

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Cremat0r - - 6,885 comments

To the one who made this mod:
You know that this is a website where ppl are advised to speakenglish.
If I say:
In dieser Modifikation von Half-life geht es um einen Affen, der Zucker stiehlt, would some1 understand this???
(well, maybe the german ones)

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gkidcj - - 65 comments

i think i understoof some words :P

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Mr.Walrus - - 5,806 comments

Genau. Du hast einer ganz guter punkt. (enchuldigung, meiner deutch ist nich sehr gut)

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Slaver - - 78 comments

Haha, I want to play the mod where the Affe den Zucker stiehlt!

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staticanimal - - 114 comments

jesus christ, guys, your german offends me

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