Hw Upgrade Ita: Eccovi Il mio primo Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) che mi è costato più di 1 anno e mezzo di lavoro ( a intermittenza ) Trama: Racconta la storia di 1 utente che scala la board fino ad arrivare ad Admin ( che storia ambigua ) Il Mod/Mappack è dedicato completamente al forum di Hw-upgrade ( w*w.hwupgrade.it ) Eng: Eccovi my first Mod/Mappack di Half-life2 (single player) that it has cost to me more than 1 year and means of job (to intermittenza) It tells the history of 1 customer who scale the board until arriving to Admin (than ambiguous history) the Mod/Mappack is dedicated completely to the forum of Hw-upgrade (w*w.hwupgrade.it) Official Video: Install: The Installation is completely automatic (works alone with the installed Steam) Problems: Puo to succeed that in the loading of some map disabiliti A.I in order to restore you open it the consul key \ and digitate “to _disable” then enter (the shipment) exited they give it to consul always the same...

Post news Report RSS Hardware Upgrade: Remaster

For the last few weeks I have been working on remastering a mod from 2006 called HW Upgrade. It's an Italian mod released by Luckid. It's 99% complete so it WILL be released very soon. Just some bug fixing is needed a few more playtests.

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For the last few weeks I have been working on remastering a mod from 2006 called HW Upgrade. It's an Italian mod released by Luckid. It's 99% complete so it WILL be released very soon. Just some bug fixing is needed a few more playtests. Lighting has been completely reworked, along with implementing Mapbase for parallax reflections.

Before 1The image above is before and the image below is after.

After 1

There are seven playable maps, and seven bonus maps that are from the original mod.

I hope it was worth the wait. -Arctix

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