"Toasty!", the iconic keyphrase by Dan Forden from MK, now into Doom!

It triggers everytime someone is gibbed.

Featuring the following:

- Aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or ultrawide).
- Smooth Doom compatibility (for Super Shotgun and Chainsaw gibs).
- Set frequency of appearance (Low to High).

For GZDoom only. Tested with 3.7.0 and above.

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Featuring a more detailed image of Dan Forden.

I don't know if it looks better, but it looks different, so here it is.

Which would you say it's better, "Toasty!" Classic or Enhanced?

Maybe some would say they look exactly the same!

Toasty News

Toasty News


Woohoo! Toasty! got mentioned on a Destructoid article.

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Toasty! for Doom (Enhanced Edition)

Toasty! for Doom (Enhanced Edition)

Full Version 1 comment

"Toasty!" for Doom... Enhanced Edition! Same "Toasty!", with a questionable more detailed image.

Toasty! for Doom

Toasty! for Doom

Full Version 1 comment

"Toasty!", the iconic keyphrase by Dan Forden from MK, now into Doom!

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