Lusitania: Tomb Adventure is a 2D Top-Down Puzzle Videogame that takes place on an underground tomb in the year 138 BC.

Post news Report RSS Devlog #6 Character Concepts and UI Flowchart

This week's progress on Tomb of Viriatus! First character designs and UI Flowchart!

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Hello Everyone! Here is a little look at our latest developments!

This week we got our first character designs done and we also made a flowchart of how the player will interact between the different menus as well as a color palette for the game's UI.

Character design

Since Tomb of Viriatus is set during Roman Times, it made sense for our character to be wearing a typical Roman Armour, so we made multiple studies on how the shape could look like .r!

We have not yet decided on the final design and color values, so feel free to leave your opinion!

Artboard 1 IndieDB

Character Thumbnails

UI Flowchart

Here you have a chart showing how the player will jump from menu to menu.

FlowChart UI

Final Flowchart

We also did a palette for the UI. Our objective was to search for tones that resemble both stone and earth since our game will be set in an Underground Tomb. Our final conclusion was this monocromatic palette.

Final Palette


Color Wheel

Color Wheel


These were the latest news on Tomb of Viriatus! We hope to bring you even more news next week!

Have a great day!

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