Hey fellow Warcraft 3 enthusiasts, We're thrilled to share that we've been hard at work on a project aimed at bringing a multi-racial dimension to the game. Our endeavor includes not only integrating new factions but also revamping the existing campaign to feature our additions.

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Hey there, today we are happy to present our Ais for our factions. Stay tuned for upcoming exiting news.

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In game footage from our ai testing:


New menu:

WC3ScrnShot 060124 224213 000

New ways of selecting a faction:


Wallpaper made by Trolldaeron: Artstation.com

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Alamnil-Of-Temple - - 121 comments

Not bad, I can't wait to play this stuff, man. Glad that AI players are going to part of this, co-op with a friend on this mod is going to be much fun. Keep up the good work!

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