A subtle "Special Edition" or "vanilla plus" version that adds bug fixes, replay value, extra functionality, content and atmosphere to the game, all while retaining that overall vanilla feeling, rather than the feeling of a vanilla game with various mini-mods tacked on as an afterthought.

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Olku_ - - 2,076 comments

Theres too much static imo

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Khimicheskiy_Ali Author
Khimicheskiy_Ali - - 254 comments

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. :) If that's the case, then I'll also include versions with very little / no static in the Options Pack for you.

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Capt.Host - - 854 comments

Please do :
I also think static was a little bit exaggerated.

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ChielScape - - 182 comments

Can it be possible to use more/less static versions based on where you are in the Zone?

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Khimicheskiy_Ali Author
Khimicheskiy_Ali - - 254 comments

Hi ChielScape. The music files for Zaton and Jupiter are separate, so it can be different based on what area you are currently in.

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In v0.9 of Call of Pripyat: Special Edition, there will be a lot of changes to NPC graphics, sound, and gameplay elements that really help improve the atmosphere of the Zone. One of these improvements are to the radio music.

Radio music in the game has been completely redone. There are several new tracks (two that are a nod to Lost Alpha and Call of Chernobyl.). Added effects make it sound like tracks are being played through a proper radio (high pass filters, static and track transitions.). I have also given many of the tracks my own "radio edits", so they are now shorter (the time the player spends at Yanov is usually short, so this will ensure they hear a good mix of tracks and also fits with how time in games like STALKER is accelerated.).