
Open Source Cross-Platform 2D Engine

WDCEngins (aka. WDC) is Open Source Cross-Platform 2D Engine, this engine is script-based engine, and allow developers to create their own script. This engine is started for a small project, after finish it, I decided to expand the project into a common engine, hope you can like it.

I use this engine and implement a game called "Garbage sorting game" which player need to collect the garbage into the correct the trashbin. The game is included in the project, so which means you can try that game.

WDCEngine is fully open source and stored in the Github:

Github: Github.com

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How to create Custom script

Client Side Coding Tutorial


WDC is a scriptable game app which allow you to create your custom script, this article will teach you how to create your own script for this app

You need to follow these steps if you want to create your own script

1. Create your custom script class inherit from WDCScript

For example, you have a project named CustomScript, you need to make this class inherit from WDCScript like this:

class CustomScript : WDCScript

2. Implement the methods

There are four methods you need to implement in your Custom Script class yourself:

  • BeforeRunScript
  • Init
  • Update
  • SetRenderPanel

3. Run

Once you finish writing your codes, compile it into a dll and copy it into the Wardeclarer Scripts folder

After that, double-click the wardeclarer.exe and your script will showup in the script selector if your script dll is correct

See Also:



If you have any problems about running or scripting, feel free to post comments

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Defend Castle

Defend Castle


Your castle is under attack, but you only 4 archers in the hand, will you win against the enemies by using only 4 archers?

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