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Progress into 2024

News 2 comments

First off, it is a pleasure to write, as the Dawn of Darkness Mod Team, how much we appreciate your encouragement and love as well as supportive feedback to our mod in the making! All of those who have and those who silently follow us, thank you!

Our journey moving forward hath now started with the sandbox build, as several of you already know. Now that we have received an ENORMOUS number of pieces and results of other artists talents, we are making fine timing with the integrating aspect. However, this is NOT to say we are in a hurry, as there is no deadline set for this mod to be finished nor for even its first release out to the public, the Public Beta.

We are still in our larvae/pre-alpha stages so to speak so much has yet to be complete. To name a few, we still need to incorporate some UI, AI, Tech Tree build, as well as animations for some new units in the future. Nonetheless, we are still making great progress, all thanks to the wonderful artists who made the pieces of work we share for your eyes to see.

So far, we are picking up some momentum as we are working on Thunder Warriors, Solar Auxilia, and still in stages for the Legiones Astartes. But we also got the Talons of the Emperor started as well and right now, it's mainly testing (which we could use some additional Beta testers) to see what the game will allow for without choking the engine, so new units are still being added and will for much of the time to come since we still need AI worked.

Now here's where I need to address something. We have in the past received some negative and invalid opinions on what we are doing in THAT regard. Let me just say that there is NO WAY any full overhaul and added race mod is going to be successful in a timely manner without the approach our team is taking, which is to network with other artists for their 3D content. If you are told otherwise that person is lying through their teeth. To meet the standards of huge and ambitious mods like this one or 40k mods like Ultimate Apocalypse, Unification mod, etc., it is going to require a gigantic joint effort, even from non-team affiliates. The bigger the mod, the more community involvement is needed to pull off what is desired in practical timing. It's unrealistic not to take this approach, I don't care who you are or how good of a modder you may be.

I say this because I have upon browsing this website, seen a comment on one of the trending and popular mods that a dev mentioned something about it being a "shame" for other modders to take content from other mods or locations without the drive to make something new. I have a message for that dev who said this, and you know who you are. The mod in which you are making contradicts that statement 100% since all your mod happens to be is a MASSIVE cargo ship of a byproduct of said content from other created commons, by which you did not authentically create yourself, thus you just conglomerate and sadly gave no credit where it was due.

Much of the community unfortunately keeps their mouth shut because of their fear or apprehension towards the other DoW mod devs but I for one am not afraid nor worried about said individuals, for they hold no authority to make new rules up as they go, and I will not be silent when it comes to pointing out the obvious truth in the midst of the lies in their ranks. This is a COMMUNITY, not a segregated district. With that said, we as DoD hold to integrity AT ALL TIMES. We are very quick to credit the artists for their brilliance and if possible, personally thank them for their generosity, WITHOUT asking for anything in return for monetary gain.

I know and understand that was a lot to say, however, it was something that needed to be addressed due to how many times I have had people from the old dev team I was a part of talk massive amounts of shit about me along with what our team is accomplishing. It still remains unclear why they find it necessary to paint us out to be these bad guys. It won't go unabated, and rest assure we will continue to do our thing THE RIGHT WAY.

Time may yield the opportunity for people to have a change of heart. Who's to say that we won't have more and more interested enthusiasts to join in our efforts? Regardless of who all hops aboard in our efforts, we are several strong and will deliver to the community!

In the meantime, that's what we have for the year 2024 so far! Over the summer, now that most of us are out for the break, there should be a pickup of pace so stay tuned for more action! I'll see you all around and please, if you are new here, please feel free to follow our discord link to the Community server where this mod will be discussed about in deeper detail, as well as much more 30k/40k related topics, discussions, and fan comradery.

Thank you all for stopping by!


A message for the reader (Repost)

A message for the reader (Repost)


I apologize for reposting this article as I deleted the first one by accident and could not undo the mistake. Those who are here for the first time, welcome...

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nathanx2000 - - 139 comments

Solar Auxilia? Good Lord they look good

Always love new updates from you guys

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,541 comments

Yeah bro, they are great! And they are crrently being optimized for ingame enjoyment! Thanks for standing by and keeping track! \o/

Reply Good karma+3 votes
RichMax - - 3 comments

Are you working together with the people of Unification Mod? Maybe you could gain something out of it. In percentage, how much would you say is your mod finished? Can not wait to play it! Keep it up!

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,541 comments

Hi there!

No, we are not working together with the people of the Unification Mod, at least not right now. Percentagewise, we are hardly even a fraction of the way there to releasing our first public Beta. Nonetheless, the progress has been steady, and we are making decent timing.

Thanks for stopping by and for your support!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
jaghatai_khano7 - - 32 comments

Too bad, I believe you two can form an alliance and make this a better mod haven, maybe model shopping or something, also you can agree on primachs, leeman ruus and lion and dorn, they have primach models.

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,541 comments

Who knows. At this point, I forget about them a lot of times and my focus has greatly shifted since the last time I was on their team. Personally, I would not mind the cahoots, but online exchanges tend to be a lot less humane than in-person and I don't see them wanting to collaborate with us any time soon unfortunately. Tbh, they've a lot of things to sort out with their attitudes and their treatment of others. Some have yet to say a single meaningful thing towards me in spite of my hardest efforts to gain back their consideration. Lots of them lack the manners for me, which ultimately left me with a horrid aftertaste with them. Not all but a good amount of those guys are egotistical as ****. Our team has the humility and the willingness to become better modders but like all great accomplishments, it cannot be done alone. We need our colleagues, teachers, mentors, masters, etc. to get us to that finish line. No mod is going to be a timely one with only 1 person. Even with all the help from Joazzz that Havoc received, he still has been working on his mod for many years but that is the crusade he chooses to march toward, and I have all the respect in the world for him doing it.

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jaghatai_khano7 - - 32 comments

It looks like a good project, but remember that 30k projects always fail. I hope this project will be successful.

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,541 comments

Hi there! Welcome!

Failure would arrive in the case of if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, thus with the amount of planning we, Dawn of Darkness, have done beforehand, failure will not be the goal, nor end result here.

I can assure you, our team will surely deliver in due time, slowly and steadily, but surely. You, as well as the DoW community, won't be disappointed.

Thanks for visiting!

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jaghatai_khano7 - - 32 comments

then Good luck buddy, because you are making a promising mod.

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Guest - - 693,841 comments

Any progress?

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Kimmy⠀Kat Creator
Kimmy⠀Kat - - 4,541 comments

Yes but gradually. Thunder Warriors are being worked on at the moment. Safe to say, Talons of the Emperor will be done later on. ^^

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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