VRANYGRAI is a story driven action-adventure game with RPG elements. The setting combines several real historical events that formed the first major state of Slavs in Central Europe, the Great Moravia. During these turbulent times, people worshipped pagan gods. The game takes inspiration from traditional beliefs, fairy tales, and stories passed from generation to generation, to provide the most accurate experience.


The Volkhv, a former Slavic priest and the main protagonist lost his sister in one of the Avars raids - the nation that was supposed to be defeated. He feels he failed not only as a priest, but as brother and protector as well. A story of a broken man that needs to fight his inner demons as well as several mythological creatures and the remains of once great Avar Khaganate. All while the war between Slavs is coming.

Perhaps there is more to his personal history than might be gleaned at first sight...



  • A relatively small, but all the richer and dense, semi-open world that offers itself for exploration. Discover hidden characters and maybe you will come across a rare reward.
  • Immerse yourself in the world full of pagan culture set in real world locations. From simple huts hidden in the woods to great fortresses. All inspired by archeological research.
  • A dynamic world where characters, animals, and mythological creatures behave differently during the day than at night. Think twice before going into the forest in total darkness!


  • Engage in quests inspired by location-based tales and stories..
  • A linear main story rich with dubbed dialogue, twists, turns, and suspense. Find out where Volkh's steps lead and what hides in his past.
  • Side story lines with the option of choosing and enriching the progress of the task. Get to know the world in which our ancestors lived and the legends associated with it.
  • Bestiary - find out everything about the creatures you meet or fight and about the old rituals and beliefs.


  • Lots of different types of enemies. You will face fallen Avars, enemy soldiers, and most of all creatures that no one was supposed to meet.
  • The hero has at his disposal a rich arsenal of historical weapons and armor for various types of melee and ranged attacks.
  • A skill system based on mythology. Unlike ordinary mortals, you will have unique spells as a Slavic priest. Their use will not be frequent, but their impact will be significant.

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Hello, gamers and friends,

I’ve got some thrilling updates to share with you about my journey with the game. It's been a remarkable month for me, filled with accomplishments and surprises.

Celebrating Success: My Recent Awards

This May was a monumental month for me at Vranygrai. I had the honour of participating in two prestigious events and, I'm proud to announce, brought home awards from both! At the Game Pitch Arena, which took place during the Anifilm Festival in Liberec (Czech Republic), I showcased Vranygrai to a panel of experts and was thrilled to receive my first trophy. Later in the month, at the esteemed Digital Dragons conference in Krakow (Poland), I was awarded the Activision Special Prize—an award for ambitious games developed by solo developers, among 226 competing projects.

The reception of these awards is both an honour and a massive boost of motivation for me. Especially the one from Digital Dragons came as a huge surprise and has filled me with gratitude and renewed vigour to push forward.

Showcasing Vranygrai at Digital Dragons

At Digital Dragons, I presented Vranygrai as part of the Czech national booth organised by the Czech Association of Game Developers. It was here that I first revealed the gameplay video of Vranygrai. Thrilled by the reception and motivated by my award, I decided to use the showcased snippet and share the gameplay publicly to give you a glimpse of how the game is progressing. Thus, I edited a part of the mission from our work-in-progress Vertical Slice into a short teaser titled 'Road to Vertical Slice.'

I would be glad if you watch the video to see firsthand the exciting developments in Vranygrai:

Development Update: Vertical Slice Progress

The journey of creating Vranygrai is in full swing. In my last update, I mentioned the Mini-VS, which I completed at the end of January. I realised, however, that the selected game section was not the most suitable for the full vertical slice, so I added an entire new mission to refine my approach.

Currently, I've implemented approximately 60% of the game systems, all within the newly added mission to test and tweak the game flow and create a visual artbar. My next steps involve enhancing enemy AI and animations, VFX for hero abilities and environments, improving overall lighting, colour grading, and postprocessing. Once all these elements are fine-tuned within this mission and its cohesive location, they will be integrated into the main world of the game, which was completed this January.

I'm excited to say that I’m on track to complete the Vertical Slice by this summer, offering around 45 minutes of gameplay.

Looking Forward: Publisher Search and Beyond

As I head towards the autumn, I anticipate completing the entire first chapter of Vranygrai, which makes up about 20% of the game world and content. This marks another significant milestone in my development.

Currently, I'm actively seeking a publisher or other financial opportunities to further develop Vranygrai—be it crafting new character models and environments or expanding the development team. While I've managed some occasional outsourcing for models, I remain the sole developer on this project only with the contribution of my writer Michaela.

Support from a publisher would significantly contribute to the growth and success of Vranygrai. Securing funding by this autumn would increase my chances of releasing the game by the end of next year.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for all your support. I am seeking your feedback to create the best game possible, as it is your enthusiasm and insights that truly enrich this development journey.

Warm regards,

Author and developer of Vranygrai
Dire Badger Studio

State of the Game Update #1

State of the Game Update #1


Since its announcement, the historical fantasy action-adventure game Vranygrai has undergone many technical and graphical changes. With an expanded team...

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LunarShuriken - - 1,292 comments

Wow, looks awesome!

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