Since Victoria 3 came out I’ve lost all hope of ever playing a decent sequel to the Victoria II flawed masterpiece. Then It came onto me that Victoria 3 ain’t no sequel to VicII! The devil dwells in the details or so they say, but roman to arabic numbering does matter to me. So! I present to you~ „Victoria III” Credits to: Blood & Iron, PDM, Manifest Destiny Submod,Crimeamod and Sucession Submod.

Post news Report RSS Victoria III 1.7 Patch Notes

Changes to colonisation patterns to avoid enclaves and make colonisation more historical. Changes to state/province shapes in poland/france. China anti-westernisation plans.

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I've got it! A good way to compromise while keeping scalin' and fleet producin'. I am trully sorry if there exists one person who had to download every iteration of 1.7 xDDD but the better game requires such sacrifices~

AI is now both strong and smart!

Kiel comes back as a capital of the holstein state (cuz AI GER loves to build in the capital of holstein)
Germania Werft now gives a naval base LVL 6 (Cuz Hamburg has navy academia and will have higher lvl navy base than kiel xD)
Germania Werft Modifier is now -10% ship contruction time from -5%

Construction spending minimum 74% (So AI can ""see it"") and not bankrupt itself

Who would have thoughts that with simple addition of artisan wool into clothing industry would skyrocket wool from useless good to strategic one~

Wool production 5->6
Thusly i'll add some wool provinces to GP.
Aachen Prussia coal -> wool
Augsburg Bavaria cattle -> wool
Kildare UK cattle -> wool

I am tryin' to compromise between AI scaling in literacy terms and its ability to refill army/navy. Current problem is the spiking of machine goods required to upgrade factory. Upon looking at machine parts factory it appears to have it required goods outmatching the price of the finished good, leading to prodution only under high demand situation. I'm lowering base goods needed to manufacture machine parts hopin' it shall lead to AI spendng more on Literacy with forced 74% construction slider.

I am doing the same with steamers factory~

Adding limitation per port on BB and CL leads to AI having some sweet navy compositions, cuz they cant build BB or CL so they go for 2nd best of CA and DD. Sweet, will tweak with the limitations a bit to see how it fares. But 1.7.3 i hope will find the elusive compromise of Might/scaling of AI leading to AI being belove averge in both which means basicly impossibly higher lvls of competence that vanilla AI~

Cruiser limitation = 4 per port
Dreadnought limitation = 1 per port
(AI still won't get monitors but now they will produce destroyers... with graphic of submarine for now xD)

Removed canned goods initial cost from the ships so that AI will build em faster. This phenomena was caused by purchase of goods prioritising land forces so when AI queued in 100 brigades and 1 ship they would first provide the 100 brigades with canned goods... Now that i think about it Arti is shared too.. FFS... back to the drawing board i guess~ if only AI could stockpile. Ahh i think its based off of priority afterall... anyway the change stays ><


1.7.1 Changes: Blockaded provinces will no longer give war exhaust (they now give conc so that enclaves will rebel). Scaled down casuality to war exe ration from 30 to 25


China: stripped'em of their reforms so now they are primitive cuz they would get lots of RP throught conquest of oneself. China will now westernize 'bout 1910+. (good for game speed)

Gave'em more manchu soldiers in Peking and allowed 'em to pick decision that provides them with accepted cultures before the Taiping war so that AI can mobilise those pops and win Taiping reb. in 'bout 70% of cases.
(AI would mobilise their 5 infantry and then get a decision for better mobilisation xD)

Fixed mehiko ghost war in ACW when USA has whole of Mehiko.

Colonisation Changes: Sudd, Nyasaland and Kazembe moved from 1880 to 1890 so that africa is neatly cut into 3 regions and so that UK finally won't enclave itself like a retard. And now it in fact does not enclave itself!!

Changed all colonies into protectorates on game start so one does not have to click it each Fuqin' time~

Biafra added

Colonial exploitation buffed from + 10% rgo output to +50%

Colonial life rating event from +1 to +3 (and removed option of not taking it, so AI will pick it too..)

Oman: Oman AI will now sometimes pick to retain Zanzibar they get african to accepted then but lose 10 years of research. If they abandon Zanzibar they get 5 years of research

Blockade changes: since AI has a tendency to enclave itself and blockaded province does work on a cut-off provine i am nerfing blockaded province from 0.1 war exhaust/month to 0.05 and instead i am buffing scaling blockade from 0.8 war exe/month to 3/month. Scaling blockade does not scale off cut-off provinces . Only from blockading via ship. AI now can live just fin with 'bout 3 states cut-off due to its own stupidity or 3rd party maligence.

Craftsmen glitch adjust: i've placed a craftsmen card to produce a new pop-card upon reaching 60k which was to prevent craftsmen glitching and yet allow it in a way cuz it's fun to see lil'italies and china-towns. Havin' so many pop-cards does slow game a bit so i'm moving the "make a new card" to 100k.

Literacy changes:

Spain 17%->13%
Portugal 17%->7%
Turkey 10->4%
Egypt N/A ->5%
Romania/Serbia -> 3%
Prussian poles 5%
Russian poles 12%
austrian poles 3%

austrian slovene 15%
austrian romanian 5%
a. russians 3%
a. slovaks 5%

Prussian west-slavic 5%

Two sicily Kingdom 20->10%
Papacy 20->11%
Tuscany 40->30%

Most Afircan countries will now be around 1% literacy

USA AI sphere: there was an event that kicked USA from africa spheres. Thing is AI would do it anyway,(Losing precious influence time!) so i am removing the event and instead giving each african "country" -200 relations with USA and hopefully that will make'em not focus on africa...

India post-UK: made forming regional tags (Hindustan, Dravidistan, Marathas) much easier so that when UK india explodes the minors can band up together and maybe form India before heat death of the universe.

AI-decision-making: AI will now take "Crown from the Gutter" dunno why it was set to not accept.

Navy Part 2 - Stupidity: So i kinda didnt rework monitors cost and they ended up costing both in production and in maintence the same as an ironclad would (no wonder AI did not touch'em) anyway fixed that and now Ironclad does not costs 2/3rds of a cruiser... and monitor does not incur corruption fee upon its meaningless existence.

Made navy techs cheaper... much cheaper. Fiddled with modifiers so AI will not abandon navy totaly as now blockades are deadly. Further on i am monitoring how AI fares with long build times (the realistic ones) for the ships and AI is pretty hectic around its fleet managment. They cannot fathom that in 2 years of constructing a ship their budget will fluctuate and they will disband that thing after 2 yrs when it finishes and queue in another one. When they queue in another one they get a big spike in budget spending on construction goods for the ship which makes AI think it overspends and they need to cut on something... FOR EXAMPLE disband an existing ship of the line... AAHHH

I want realistic ship build times but i also desire my AI to posses a navy... this is hard

Monitors get buffed: Hull 22->40 Guns 10->20
Ironclads: Hull 31 -> 60 Guns 2X->35

Germany: Failure to form Germany by Prussia changed. In lieu of how kewl AI made KUK look ill give Austria cores on Saxony and Silesia. Stadtebund will inherit the techs instead of being a backwater but loses Saxony.

Holland and LUX: when NET aquires LUX they get an event which lets em either keep it or release it in various forms. I upped the presitge of releasing it so player will consider doing so:

keep LUX: -10P
puppet LUX: +25P
LUX canton: +50P
LUX canton + Liege: +100P

Construction budgeting: changed slider limitation from 10-100% to 30-75% in accordance with fairness towards AI act. Will think on it, maybe ill go "full fair" and make it 30-30% since this is what AI usually spends on it~

TONKS: now have 120% discipline cuz they still to weak to cost ratio xd

Kulturkampf: will happen more often when fascist

Rebellions: moved militancy required fro various steps of joining a rebellion by +0.5
Join radical Movement 7->7.5
Rise up when force parity with country army: 8->8.5
Rise up when lesser force than army detterence 9->9.5

Taxes: all countries now have a base of 20->25% tax efficency (lowered tax eff. for serfdom and unciv reforms by 5% accordingly). Anyhoo more m budget so AI will invest more into literacy.

It is now possible to reach 102% tax efficency with 100% literacy, full tech and serfdom... Do with that what you will. xD

France gets ability to unite Italy as a puppet with major land grab to make'em jump to GP in a picto-second:

Italia Franca

Terrain changes: Torun is no longer the ugly rectangle and instead has a his. shape

torun not rectangle

East interwar poland border - makin' em look like they should

east borders poland

Tesin shape:

Cieszyn historical

Chaterux now does not look like shit but isntead like a lung...

chaterux not sux

Gdynia - Madagascar goin' for more like a city-state look:

Gdynia not sure

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Post comment Comments
Guest - - 693,836 comments

not a fan of your mod but you're the only one willing to make actual radical changes and try things out. reddit gold for you, +2 updoots from crimeamodbro and nbro

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Xeno_Vic Author
Xeno_Vic - - 42 comments

Why not a fan? I am willing to listen to stuff~ What is that you do not enjoy~

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,836 comments

your african nations are incredibly weird and unbalanced
the war exhaustion change makes game practically unplayable
the small poland is epic but memey. you could make a special history for it (basically just change pops for haiti in madagascar for a vanilla experience, and have another scenario, like american civil war scenario in vanilla, with polish pops for the meme fun experience)

also, give up on giving navy realistic build times... there is a reason its low in crimeamod. tag over to any AI nation and you'll see why:
France might have 30 level 5 ports, but they'll queue up 15 ships from 1 port and leave the rest empty

these are the things i really dont like that i could think of for now... but keep up the good work, you are very creative

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Xeno_Vic Author
Xeno_Vic - - 42 comments

"your african nations are incredibly weird and unbalanced" -
That is pretty vague so i'll answer in broad strokes. All countries presented have their historical borders(With minor vassals inherited to the core nation) and +- pops. One african culture aside from game speed reasons have its own maluses in the form of +0.5 mil. and inherent radicalness of african culture. Can you expand on your statement?

"the war exhaustion change makes game practically unplayable" -
Yup, as it should. Early death wars will leave you hurtin'. Losing whole of your army as a minor will leave you hurtin'. Later in the game one can acquire techs that lower war exhaust, but early wars are brutal, partially to showcase why Europe did not wage such wars in the early game period and partly cuz i like the player to abide by the same ruleset AI would, thusly i hope a player will think twice before death-warring in early, lest he wants to pay the price. Naval blockades are supposed to be deadly as they were historically, so is losing your young man to the furnace of war machine.

"the small poland is epic but memey. you could make a special history for it(..)"

Poloniya AI has 2 forced wars with MAD on 1860 and 1870 and if they lose Gdynia they revert to Dominicana. I've done such a great service to the human race by revmoing Haiti from the world.. Please XD. Creating a different scenario only for a meme country is lot of work for lil' to no pay-off. Making AI Poloniya revert to Haiti/Dominicana is AI-unfriendly and Haiti did not matter in the grand scheme of things anyway so thusly one can carry out a historical gameplan without their interference. Mah Friend is askin' Have ye played Poloniya?

"also, give up on giving navy realistic build times."
I am aware of AI mostly queueing up ships in 1 port which is a positive in a specific way, cuz then AI has better budget for literacy. With realistic build times one chooses lesser of two evils, cuz for sure AI won't be able to amass grand Fleet in a short span of time, but the player won't be able to rebuild their fleet during a war. Thusly i've accertained that even with such AI behaviour it is a beneficial change. Cuz lower build times would buff AI by arbitrary 10% and player by 50%(Due to how they build ships).

Mah friend speaks on that lack of need to refit ones ships is bad, but game mechanics forbid such a... mechanic. And thusly as far as we can take Victoria into historical navy is the build times. Oh yeah tankier ships too. Since BB will not die like ever and return to port for repairs. So this too is a way to alleviate long build times in a way.

Here is da song that sprung us to make Poloniya xD

Any my discord name if one wishes to carry on the discussion in a timely manner: xeno.huhearie

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Xeno_Vic Author
Xeno_Vic - - 42 comments

I shall abide by lowering war exhaustion a bit, and thusly 1.7.1 will be created~ I am feeling weird about it cuz one who told me to not enjoy in sadistic pursuit of starvation and post-war thievery is a proud citizen of Kekistan 'O'

~Thank You~

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Xeno_Vic Author
Xeno_Vic - - 42 comments

'Bout Navy~ i think i've found a way to leave realistic build times and make AI build navy. Its about how buying goods for military/naval contruction will prioritise land over navy. thusly if AI queues up 100 brigades and 1 ship. They will buy the canned goods for 100 brigades first and only then for the 1 ship. Once i've removed all canned goods from the initial build cost of the navy ships are comin' in nicely!

I am running some tests now, but if it works it solves the issue~

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Guest - - 693,836 comments

good idea, very good idea

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Xeno_Vic Author
Xeno_Vic - - 42 comments

You made the game much better, even with the vague issues XD I am chronicly possesed by "tunnel vision" and needs peeps for perspective~

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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