Ultimate Apocalypse Mod for DOW Soulstorm


Random The Hunt Begins - Grand Release ScreenshotsRandom Screenies - Alpha Internal (DODA or THB) Random Screenies - Alpha Internal (DODA or THB)Some progress screenies of version 1.74 Part 2 Further Works on the Riptide and R'Varna (WIP) Some progress screenies of version 1.74 Part 1 Dreadknight Model finished! In-Game export inboundNews from Joazzz - The gargant got updated Necron Sentry Turret fully textured!More of Joazzz's tex work - Today the Great Gargat New Textures Provided By Oomperial!The Deathstrike Missile Launcher arrives Upcoming Stuff -  The Stompa is now TC, with BadgeEven more Teamcolorable units!

All credit for assistance rendered and resources used within UA is fully credited within the game itself, just click on Credits from the main menu to see them, and if we missed something that you made, get ahold of us on the discord!

Created by: The Apocalypse Mod Team

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RSS Articles


News 7 comments

Yes, UA has a discord server. Like many other projects, it is one of if not the best ways of managing a community. The reasons as to why we expect you to seek help on that platform are myriad, but here's a few of the big ones.

We cannot moderate this platform, meaning that anyone who decides to start trolling on the comments cannot be prevented from doing so aside from sitting here and having someone babysit the thread and delete the nonsense. This isn't worth anyone's time, so we won't be doing that.

It is far easier to keep direct messages straight, organize feedback into appropriate channels, manage development, and assist with technical problems on a case by case basis within the platform of Discord.

Downvote raids on comments that are literally from team members trying to assist users has made everyone extremely unwilling to be on this platform so that we can waste time repeating the same news and answering the same questions, only to have said comments buried. Grats trolls, by being opposed to using discord to this point, you've effectively made it the only way we will be communicating in the future. There are actually patches presently on the discord that you can only get there at this time, because nobody wants to deal with this website.

And finally, it is far more convenient from a community standpoint to provide you guys with daily updates and ongoing news with the mod on Discord than it is on Moddb. This website is great for hosting files and maybe even showcasing a project, but it is beyond dated and not very efficient from a modern perspective as far as running a community.

We truly hope to see you guys on the server, be sure to read our welcome center when you join, and follow the development updates channel for frequent news from our lead devs on development progress. Why be in the dark and wonder about what we're doing when you could be right there watching it yourself?


Dev Diary: Clockwork 10/13/2022

Dev Diary: Clockwork 10/13/2022

News 5 comments

S***, I haven't done one of these in awhile! well anyway, here is the news of what isn't being said!

A new Dawn for Ultimate Apocalypse

A new Dawn for Ultimate Apocalypse

News 18 comments

A lot of work has been done in the background, while we remained somewhat silent on the last months. With the new Version we have also started work on...

Dev Diary: Clockwork 02/01/2022

Dev Diary: Clockwork 02/01/2022

News 13 comments

Me a dev going through and telling about my progress.

Ultimate Apocalypse Progress (November 2021)

Ultimate Apocalypse Progress (November 2021)

News 9 comments

A new article from this time.... Cylarne? That's unexpected! Some new sneak peak progress has appeared and it is finally time to show it off! :D

RSS Files
UA 1.89.53

UA 1.89.53

Full Version 55 comments

Ultimate Apocalypse 1.89.53, quality of life changes with performance improvements with a focus on heavy bugfixing and file overhauls, again.

UA 1.89.5XD

UA 1.89.5XD

Full Version 53 comments

Ultimate Apocalypse 1.89.5XD, quality of life changes with performance improvements with a focus on heavy bugfixing and file overhauls

UA 1.89.51

UA 1.89.51

Full Version 61 comments

Ultimate Apocalypse 1.89.5, commander rework, turret rework, some units and lots of other fixes.

Ultimate Apocalypse 1.89.4

Ultimate Apocalypse 1.89.4

Patch 37 comments

Ultimate Apocalypse release with UA_MAIN installer and a subsequent patch installer.

UA 1.89.3

UA 1.89.3

Full Version 24 comments

UA update 1.89.3 Full Installer, can install standalone with ua_main.exe or patch from 1.89.2 to the current version.

Ultimate Apocalypse Version 1.89.2 FULL INSTALL

Ultimate Apocalypse Version 1.89.2 FULL INSTALL

Full Version 43 comments

This small update hosts version 1.89 released with a brand new installer! It allows Tyranids 0.5b3 to be compatible with Ultimate Apocalypse along with...

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Guest - - 693,894 comments

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Guest - - 693,894 comments

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KNGJN - - 20 comments

great mod, 4 fps, stutters like ****, broken *** engine and an unoptimized mod that adds tons of content is a real good combo

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
IDeathshroud - - 22 comments

Blame the game engine, not the mod. Engine is a modified one from the ``Impossible Creatures´´ game. Was never meant to have 1000 units, 100 explosions and 20 titans happening at the same time.
No mod can help about any of that, so stop being a fn *******. You can't ``optimize´´ this kind of mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 20 comments


Shows how little you know, sure the engine is a problem but having 1k textures on buildings with a hundred light emitters isn't helping. The AI alone will relentlessly build extra buildings they don't need. I have tech tier V off and the performance is still terrible without titans. Chaos Demons will wreck performance a lot faster than Nids because their buildings have 10x more effect emitters than any other race. If the AI was better at managing strategically instead of just mass production it would be a lot easier on performance.

Mod runs like total garbage with stuttering and performance drops, it's a nightmare and frankly un-fun. Cap the units or fix the models/textures because it's literally unplayable after 20 minutes in a match. That's what needs to happen, fanboy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
AugustoPinochet088 - - 4 comments

Shows how little you know yourself, if you had joined their discord the UA devs have explained multiple times what the issues are, who was responsible for those issues and how they are going to fix those issues. How about you do some actual research before talking mad **** like a spastic retard.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
IDeathshroud - - 22 comments

You are the only idiot complaining about performance, runs decent for me. And i don't even have that good of a pc (2017).

Maybe you update you hamster-powered computer. You are nothing but another clueless troll. Don't like it? Don't play it, but don't drop random **** just to justify your own crap.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
KNGJN - - 20 comments


Sorry I'm not the only one lmao, the performance is widely panned. Is it the engine or my computer? Make up your mind. Just save yourself the trouble next time and admit you don't know what you're talking about. We can avoid these pointless interactions. Stay mad fanboy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
IDeathshroud - - 22 comments

Oh, ofc, another fanboy from another mod sent to spread lies and downvote comments... How original!
From all the comments, you are the only one with that problem... How curious!

This mod will keep on living, that's whats makes you mad. Not sorry for you, clown.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
KNGJN - - 20 comments


Unification is crushing this mod fanboy, stay salty ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
Guest - - 693,894 comments

even that mod is not optimized very well, let's remember that the models taken from other games and mods, it works very well for us if you enter the server the devs will be very happy to help you, I don't understand all these tantrums like a 2 year old.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
IDeathshroud - - 22 comments

I knew it, you clowns make it so obvious. You are nothing but another bitch sent by those losers.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
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