An extensive overhaul of all of the traders in the zone made to create more immersion as well as a better reason to actually travel the zone from place to place. Read more...
Trader Overhaul Complete
Version: 1.33 (1.5.1 & 1.5.2 Version)
Author: AGoodSetOfPistols
It is finally here! The complete version of the Trader Overhaul! As was my goal when I set out to make this addon, I was looking to add a small, but significant advancement to the Immersion of the Zone. I firmly believe that the best way to get someone really into a world is through the details. My favorite franchise of all time is the Thief franchise (With the exception of that terrible fourth game that as far as I’m concerned is not cannon or exists!). These games brought me into their worlds and immersed me in ways that no other games I’ve played have been able to match. However, the Stalker games come close, and Anomaly comes fairly close itself!
With that being said, how does this addon increase immersion? Well I can’t do what the Thief games do to immerse you so that wont work. So instead I took a small part of the game “traders” and decide to adjust them massively. But you may ask, “how does that effect immersion any?” Well simple,
it gives you a reason to travel the zone, to see it differently, and most importantly, to create a rhyme and reason to traveling that wasn’t quite there in the start of this Mod. Like I said its small, but it has an important role in shaping how, and why you travel the zone. Is it perfect? No. but It does that job In what I believe is an effective and powerful way that seems simple but makes all the difference to your playthrought.
This addon is by no means "Complete." By that I mean to say that there will still be updates going forward. However, these updates will be much smaller and mostly glitch fixes and other similar issues.
The following is a list of some of the features present in this addon. Take note, this is similar, but not entirely the same as my earlier Trader Overhaul files.
All traders have been overhauled. Some more so than others. In addition, a few new traders have been added to the list of available traders in the zone
(or more that they have their own profile now). The following are just a few of the changes made to the traders.
- Sidorovich: He now mostly sales a wide range of guns and only a few armors now.
- Loris: He now provides mostly rookie gear and survival items. He offers a large range of basic stuff for surviving in the zone.
- Barkeeper: He has a similar inventory to that of SOC where he sells guns, armors and other useful items. He also sells the Sunrise suits that Sidorovich no longer sells.
- Meeker: Sells some high tier guns and armors now and has been largely expanded on.
- Cashier: Similar to Meeker.
- Beard: He will now buy artifacts similar to the ecologist.
- Hardmode files are now fully compatible!
- Lore Friendly factions has been integrated directly into the addon now (Not an optional file anymore!)
- Some traders may now sell random junk items or crafting parts.
- Traders such as The Bandit Trader from Truck Cemetery and Forester have been added among others (They have their own unique stock of items!)
- and much much more!
- A Hard Mode version of the addon which doubles reputation needed to unlock extra items. Also sets all traders to buy items at at least 80% or higher durability.
- Not all traders have access to all items anymore! You may have to travel about the zone more in order to get certain items especially the technological items.
- Traders have now been placed into tier systems regarding how well armed they are. The tier system is as follows;
- Tier 1 (50% chance that any said gun they sell will appear in their stock during a restock cycle. Also much more limited set of items they will sell. Furthermore they will ONLY sell ammo to belongs to weapons they sell)
- Tier 2 (65% chance that any said gun they sell will appear in their stock during a restock cycle. They generally have more gear available to them. Furthermore, they will sell all ammo types but are limited on non-used ammo till higher levels of goodwill)
- Tier 3 (80% chance that any said gun they sell will appear in their stock during a restock cycle. They have the most gear available to them. Furthermore, they will sell all ammo types with no restrictions)
- The following is a list of the factions in each tier system.
- Tier 1 Poorly Funded/ Poorly equipped: Loners, Bandits, Clear Sky
- Tier 2 Medium Funding/ Medium Equipped: Duty, Freedom.
- Tier 3 Well Funded/ Well equipped: Mercenaries, Ecologist, *Monolith, Military.
- * Monolith have an extensive amount of gear but have a similar rate of item appearance to poorly funded factions.
- Random Stalkers around the zone are now more viable as potential customers for your goods to sell. Meaning that they may actually provide you with a better deal or just more access to stuff than in the base game! In short they will sell you more things while selling it at a better price and buying at a better rate.
- A few new traders have been added which have their own set of items for them.
- There is an optional version of the Trader Overhaul which has a number of special suits for sell from different traders with an optional file for new icons. See below for more details!
- And much more!
With that being said as always, if you find any issues PLEASE report them in the comments section of the addon. I will respond fairly quickly most of the time and will address the issue as quickly as I can.
Installation Guide
The following is the order in which the different versions of the addon should be downloaded in. take note that the gamedate folder is the folder that you will need for the proper instalation. If it asks to overwite anything overwrite it. However, take note that if you have other addons that overwriting files may cause them to not work. So make sure you always know what is being overwritten. The following is the path's that you will follow to download each version. Of course if you have any questions regarding the proper instalation please ask and I will follow you through the process.
- For the base version.
Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
- For the Hard version.
1:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
2:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul (HARD) -> Gamedata
- For the Traders Buy dmage stuff version.
1:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
2:Optional Files -> Traders But Damaged Stuff -> Gamedata
- For the Outfit Version.
1:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
2:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Gamedata
- For Optional Files for the outfit version
1:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
2:Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Gamedata
3:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul (HARD/Traders Buy Damaged Stuff) -> Gamedata
The Following is the download order for any B&S version of the Trader Overhaul.
- For B&S base Version.
1: B&S addon.
2: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
3: Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> gamedata
- For B&S base Version HARD/Buy Damaged Goods.
1: B&S addon.
2: Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
3: Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> gamedata
4: Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> (HARD/Buy Damaged Goods) -> Gamedata
- For the Outfit Version of B&S.
1: B&S addon.
2:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
3:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Gamedata
4:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> gamedata
- For the Outfit version of B&S Optional Files
1: B&S addon.
2:Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> Gamedata
3:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Gamedata
4:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> gamedata
5:Optional Files -> Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version -> Optional Files -> B&S Patch -> (Buy Damaged stuff/HARD) -> Gamedata
Important Note
To download the basic version of this addon simply follow this path.
Normal Trader Overhaul or Outfit Version Of Trader Overhaul -> Trader Overhaul (Main Folder) -> copy the gamedata folder into the MAIN folder of the Anomaly mod!
To download any of the optional files make sure that you have downloaded one of the two version! Then go into the subfolder of the trader overhaul and find which feature or patch you would like to use. as before Copy the GAMEDATA folder part of these and take note to the different versions of these features and patches such as (HARD) and (Buy Damaged Goods). This is a sub folder to each of these which are compatibility files between the different versions of the addon. So if you are using the HARD version of Trader overhaul then download it first THEN the extra content. Overwrite any files it tells you too. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will clear it up for you.
The Following is a list of the Outfits and Who carries each one.
- Poet's Sunrise Suit = Barkeeper
- Phonex Sunrise Suit = Barkeeper
- Ghost's Sunrise Suit = Sidorovich
- Fang's Exoskeleton = Sidorovich
- Hellhounds Coat = Millitary / Duty / Forester
- Mutant Hunter Suit = Forester / Loris/ Bandit
- Helmetless SEVA = Ecologist Traders
- Thief's Tunic = Bandit / Loris
- Scar's Trenchcoat = Clear Sky / Bandit
- Zealot's Robe = Monolith
- Artifact Hunter Suit = Beard/ Clear Sky
- Hawaiians Sunrise Suit = Hawaiian
Update 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version) (8/31/2023)
- A quick update with some small changes to flea market day side that adjusts some of the % chance that certain items will appear.
- Removed the B&S patch from the addon. When I started to work on the files earlier the file was a complete and total mess and there were many differences between my other files and these files. If time persists and I will add back the B&S patch but sadly for now it has been removed as to not create any confusion of its capability or whether it actually works.
- I have some plans to look into working on adding a new trader to one or two of the new zones that have appeared lately on these parts. However, that file is a daunting task to say the least. Anyhow, I would love to adjust the freedom trader he has as of right now. That will likely be the next update as well as a complete overhaul of the Truck Cemetery trader and Hawaiian. Anyhow, that is all for now. This is not an important update i just wanted to clarify some things. In addition got me a nice new PC, a desktop this time and its a beast so I'm back!
Update Information (1.51 & 1.52 Version) (3/27/2023)
Sorry for the long hiatus life gets in the way of things some times. In this case work and other projects. So anyhow I know I won't be able to address everyone's concerns but there are a few questions i wanted to answer for people regarding this addon.
- 1: B&S update. Yes, I shall be updating it. It seems that my addon is quite outdated in that regard. Again, I apologize about that issue.
- 2: The Video "Introduction." I need to update that video as it is VERY out of date at this point. i am quite aware of the music being too loud and the video is a little much rambling for my liking.
- 3: New content? I have no plans as of thus far for any new changes or additions to the addon. At this point it seems to be more updates for B&S than anything. With that being said my main focus is simply getting B&S back up to date.
- Sadly around December my Laptop of eight years crashed bad. It works and I can use it fine but It takes forever for start-up and trying to load up the Drives takes just as long if not longer. It's not really an excuse for absence just a little road block. I was trying to hold off an update for this addon till I got a new CPU but I might be doing that much sooner now.
- Anyhow, enough rambling. Again I apologize for the absence and lack of responses to questions and concerns. If you have any comments or concerns not regarding what was stated above please post them as of this date forward. Thank you for your understanding as well as bearing with extended leave from the addon.
Update 1.32.2 (1.51 & 1.52 Version) (11/18/2022)
- Added Russian translations for the outfits courtesy of Stalker_Boss
- Note: If your not using outfit version this update is not needed and can be disregarded.
Update 1.32.1 (1.51 & 1.52 Version) (10/29/2022)
- Fixed a duplicate item (Mutant Hunter suit) for the Outfit version which was causing a crash on start up.
- Properly updated the New icon version of the outfit version so that the files are updated to the 1.5.2 version of the files. They were obviously not updated correctly before.
Note: If your not using outfit version this update is not needed and can be disregarded.
Update 1.32 (1.51 & 1.52 Version) (10/29/2022)
- Adds a version of the addon for 1.52. This is located in its own folder called 1.52 Update Version. This folder has the same setup as the normal folder so don't be alarmed. DO NOT install the normal version then the 1.52 version. They are both the same thing so it is not needed. If there are any issues please notify me and I will address them. As stated before I have not officially updated to 1.5.2 yet so I'm not 100% sure of any potential crashes or so forth. Anyhow, Good hunting Stalker.
Update 1.31 (1.51 Version) (10/21/2022)
- Added the 7.62x51 ammo to Butcher
- Added the "Flask" or canteen water to both Loris and Butcher as was intended.
I'm sorry about the long absents from this addon just life and what not. This is a very small patch but mostly I wanted to do this as a quick update on what's going on regarding the addons status. Anyhow, to answer the question regarding whether this will be updated for 1.5.2, short answer yes. However, it's taking some time as I'm scanning through all of the files to make sure they are properly updated. I just very recently got back into the addon so just give it a hot second and it will be updated. As of right now it DOES NOT work with 1.5.2 and may even crash. When I do release it it will be placed into a separate folder called update 1.5.2. This is because i have been told that this update as a number of issues and problems and will more than likely be waiting myself to update my game till it has been cleaned out some.
Secondly, the B&S patch is outdated. I believe they should be fine to use as normal with B&S as I have confirmed that the two no longer need a patch... However, please do correct me if I'm mistaken
I talked with B&S's creator and that is what he had told me.
Update 1.30 (1.51 Version) (04/7/2022)
- Sorry for the long hiatus I got a nice promotion work-wise and have been busy with many other things in my life. Anyhow, I'm back and that is all that matters!
- This is a simple patch which adjusts the Hardmode files to better represent what the title says. The stock of all traders is much more limited (Through most have not lost any items) giving them a lower chance to have almost every item that they can sell for a more random experience.
- Sadly it's been a long awhile so if there are any issues please send them my way and I will now Properly respond to them. Take note that I'm not a social media type guy and it may take me a day before I respond but bare with me on that. Anyhow, enjoy!
Update 1.29.1 (1.51 Version) (10/20/2021)
- Fixed a typo in the Monolith_Basic file.
Update 1.29 (1.51 Version) (9/22/2021)
- Fixed the B&S files adding some missing items from traders and adjusting their stocks so that they make more sense. This took some work and hopefully is much better than the versions before. Nothing should be missing now. However, if you notice something missing please tell me and I will adjust them as needed.
- Adjusted the folder structure again to hopefully cut down on confusion with this addon and installing it properly. The Outfit version is moved back to being an optional folder with its respective optional folders further within the file.
- Added installation instructions up above on the page and adjusted the IMPORTANT file to include the updated guide.
Update 1.28.1 (1.51 Version) (8/23/2021)
- Added The respective ammo that was missing for the guns added to Loris.
- Changed the Mosin so that it is now a tier 1 weapon for Loris, this also includes the ammo for the mosin.
Update 1.28 (1.51 Version) (8/21/2021)
- Updated the B&S files to the newest version of the addon.
- Added 4 new weapons to loris's Inventory.**
- Remington 700
- Karabiner 43
- TOZ-34 "Bizon"
** I will Be adding the ammo properly for these weapons to Loris soon I just had some strange crash related to it and figuring out what caused it.
Update 1.27.2 (1.51 Version) (4/26/2021)
- Added back in the stealth element of Ghost's Sunrise suit. This acts similar to the Ghillie suit's stealth but slightly less effective.
- Changed the wording of some of the folders to hopefully make it easier to understand how to download this addon properly.
Fix For Version 1.27.1 (1.51 Version) (4/26/2021)
- Actually fixed the problem with the flea markets crash. Forgot to remove a unused feature from those two files.
Update 1.27.1 (1.51 Version) (4/26/2021)
- Fixed An Issue that caused a crash regarding the Flea Market file. Thanks to those who informed me about it.
Update 1.27 (1.51 Version) (4/26/2021)
A Larger Update with a Lot Of Little and some big changes. The following is a list of those changes.
- Added A few of the armor attachment items back to a some of the Traders (Duty, Freedom, Monolith and Military). The Up Kevlar plates and the other protective item were not added as no base game traders still had them in their inventory. They may have been removed for balancing reasons?
- Greatly adjusted both Flea Market traders to have more items and more random chance for items. Day time trader has a few suits now, while night time has a lot more guns. There were other such changes but they were less extensive.
- fixed an issue with the Heavy Pockets achievement not working as it should. It should now work as intended. If they problem is not resolved please contact me on it.
- Updated the B&S files to the update from April 23rd 2021.
- Heavily adjusted the folder structure of the addon to remove some redundant files and fluff. I have adjusted the IMPORTANT file to now show proper installation order. If there are still questions regarding the proper order I will happily add them to the file and give you direction.
- Removed the adjusted prices of items from both flea market traders... They didn't make much sense anyway.
- Added a missing item from B&S to Duty trader.
Update 1.26.5 (1.51 Version) (3/16/2021)
- Fixed an issue where the mines, and IED's would not be usable. They should now be updated to the proper 1.51 version of these items
- Added IED's to the Mercenaries inventory since it was missing before.
Update 1.26.4 (1.51 Version) (3/11/2021)
- Added The Parts file to the B&S outfit version of the mod.
Update 1.26.3 (1.51 Version) (3/08/2021)
- Updated B&S File so that they are now up to date. This includes the icons.
- Will be doing more work for a further update with version 1.27!
Update 1.26.2 (1.51 Version) (2/22/2021)
- Fixed missing suits from the Traders buy damaged goods files.
- Added a B&S compatible Icon file for the New Outfit Icons.
- Work In Progress: Will be updating B&S to newest version soon!
Update 1.26.1 (1.51 Version) (2/09/2021)
- Fixed an issue regarding the infile name for the Vikhr where it was Virh instead of the proper Vihr that it should be.
Update 1.26 (1.51 Version) (2/09/2021)
- Added Back in fangs Exoskeleton Hud. So now it should appear as other Exoskeletons.
- Added back the missing Kobra sights to a few traders. (Duty, Sidorovich, Clear Sky, Bandits, Monolith, Mercenary, and Owl).
- Removed an instance where the items_letters file was still present in the HARD mode versions of this addon.
- Removed the Homemade buckshot as well as the Colt Kimber from all traders.
Update 1.25 (1.51 Version) (2/03/2021)
- Updated to the new update for version 1.51. As always please tell me if there are any issues present with the addon.
- Added back the Neutral traders files.
- Updated the B&S patch so now it is compatible. Please tell me if there are any missing items or weapons. I believe I got them all but I could have forgotten something.
Update 1.25 RC23 Version 2.3 (1/28/2021)
- Fixed The Outfit Item descriptions and names so that they now appear as they should.
Update 1.25 RC23 Version 2.2 (1/28/2021)
- A small fix so that Now the Outfit version is playable. Take note that the descriptions and names are not coming up as intended. I will do this later today. I'm just tired and going to bed so that will be fixed.
Update 1.25 RC23 Version 2.1 (1/27/2021)
- Fixed the missing parts section for Fangs Exoskeleton.
Update 1.25 RC23 Version 2 (1/27/2021)
- Updated The Outfit version of Trader Overhaul!. All patches should work now except for the B&S!
- I will be updating the B&S Patches over the next few days so that they are ready to go. Until then, just bare with me as it is a time consuming process to do the B&S patches, not to mention that I'm starting them from scratch. Anyhow, until then please as always tell me if anything is not working as intended. Thank you in advance... and good Hunter Stalker!
As a quick aside. The different version are merely patches. I'm just using that naming convention until the Addon as been properly caught up.
Update 1.25 RC23 Version 1 (1/26/2021)
- Finally I have released a version for the new RC. I kind of got tired of waiting and wanted to see what stuff I would have to adjust in order for my addon to work with the current version. Please take note, this is not the final version. Rather this is a simple step to bringing this addon up to date. As you can tell I have removed a few of the patches for now and the B&S patch is not yet compatible with the newest version. I WILL BE adding these patches back in the very near future (Throughout this work). Until then this version of the addon only features the basic version update to the current RC 23. The outfit version should work as of right now fine but a few of the outfits may have old problems pertaining to them. Again, this will all be updated with more extensive work soon enough. But until then enjoy, and please inform of any issues you may run into. Thank you, and my apologizes for the long wait for this addons updating.
Update 1.24 (8/6/2020)
- Updated the Compatibility patch For B&S's newest patch as of August 6th 2020.
Update 1.23 (7/19/2020)
- Readjusted the scopes and suppressors that traders sell to make more sense now. Traders will now sell scopes and silences which go with weapons they actually sell rather than the haphazard manner of which they use to be placed in their stock. So for example; Duty will sell scopes and silencers for ONLY Warsaw pack weapons! Same thing for freedom. This concept applies to all factions except Monolith and Mercenaries who will sell all scopes and suppressors (Mercenaries are missing one scope... Which was done on purpose). Sidorovich will also sell all scopes and surpressors as before.
- As part of the first major change I have removed all non-functioning scopes and silencers from the inventory of all traders. Please do inform me however if there are any scopes or silencers missing that I may have accidentally removed.
- Added a compatibility patch for Arszis's Anomaly detector addon.
- Updated the B&S patch to the most up to date version.
Update 1.22.2 (6/30/2020)
- Removed the Mechanics sell Recipes. This will be properly added to my Crafting Overhaul addon as a separate file.
Update 1.22.1 (6/26/2020)
- Fixed an issue where butcher was not selling certain items because they were not recognized in his stock. They should now start appearing. May have to wait for a restock cycle however.
- Added the Mutant Hunter suit to Butcher's Inventory for the outfit version of Trader Overhaul. This suit only has a 25% chance to appear in his inventory however.
Update 1.22 (6/21/2020)
- Added back recipes for sell. They are sold by mechanics and the higher tier recipes will unlock the more toolkits you turn in. Medics will sell the drug related recipes.
- Added Back in the Boomsticks & Sharpsticks patch with additional patches with it!
Update 1.21 (6/1/2020)
- Removed an armor from Barkeeper which does not exist and would cause a crash.
Update 1.21 (5/27/2020) (Part II to Update 1.20)
- Adjusted the appearance rate of food on a number of traders some to better fit a random model.
- Removed a headlamp from the Flea Market that had infinite power.
- Fixed a few errors that did not cause game crashes but made it so that the items would not appear in their inventory.
- Added the M82 Patch back into the addon.
- Fixed a few typos in the description of the addon.
Update 1.20.1 (5/26/2020)
- A quick fix for Butcher regarding a typo in the file. It is now corrected!
- Edit: Uploaded the proper file now... Sorry about that.
- Edit 2: NOW the Butcher File should be correct! And I made Sure Of It!
Update 1.20 (5/23/2020) !Major Patch!
This patch is a MAJOR overhaul of traders and will be broken into two parts with the second part coming out likely within the next few days. The second part will include a few more changes on % chance of items to appear as well as better refine some traders inventories. However, it is not a major deal so don't worry about waiting for it. I just broke it down into two parts for clarity. Anyhow, this is the most major changes made with this patch so enjoy! This patch was also somewhat as a remedy (a minor one) for the lack of crafting in the zone therefore requiring you to have to invest a little bit more into crafting if you are going to get some items or else you will need to do a lot of missions otherwise.
- Added Back Artifacts to Monolith and Sin factions. The artifacts are sold in tiers and unlocked the more reputation you get.
- Updated the screenshots to show all of the special armors.
- Removed artifacts for sell from the flea market!
- Removed ALL tier 2 and 3 night visions from all factions EXCEPT for Ecologist (And Monolith).
- Removed most Upped versions of the "fake" artifact items such as the surge protector and Kevlar plates. These items now must either be made or they can be bought from you guessed it... The Ecologist.
- Removed most cases of the Tourist backpacks except for Loris, The Bandit Trader, and Clear Sky.
- Removed tier 3 and 4 detectors from most traders except of course the Ecologist. Monolith are the exception to this.
- Readjusted who sells what medkits. Now only Ecologist or Clear Sky (at high enough reputation) sell Scientific medkits. The Army, Duty, Freedom, and Mercenaries sell the Army medkits. While all other traders ONLY sell the regular.
- Readjusted Ammo sold by each faction some. They will now sell more appropriate ammo and better quantities of their faction "preferred" ammo. See below for more details
- Adjusted the inventories of ALL traders some. See details below for some of the major changes. Removed the B&S patch since the addon already has a patch for this addon. Don't worry it will be coming back. It's only temporary as I know it can be a pain to download B&S because of how big it is.
- Notes: With the ammo change there are some major changes with this as well as weapons. The % chance that weapons and ammo appear have been changed as well as what ammo traders actually carry. Before this version ammo was just sort of thrown into traders inventory with little regard to logic but no longer is that the case. The Factions have been broken into 3 tiers which will determine the % chance as well as the actual ammo that they carry. Below lists my ratings for the factions and where they fall into this. Special Note: When I % chance I mean the chance that during a trader cycle the item will appear in their inventory.
- Well Funded/ Equipped: Army, Mercenary, Ecologist, Monolith*.
These traders will sell guns at around an 80% chance of appearing in their inventory (Down from the base game 88% chance) In addition they will sell all types of ammo available even if they do not have guns that use the ammo.
- Medium Funding/ Equipped: Duty, Freedom.
These traders have around a 65% chance for their weapons to appear and will sell MOST ammo types but will be a little bit more limited to higher level tiers of reputation.
- Poorly Funded/ Equipped: Stalkers, Bandits, Clear Sky
They will sell guns at a 50% rate and will ONLY sell ammo types to the guns they sell, nothing else.
- *Monolith are somewhat an exception to this. They will sell all ammo but use a % rate similar to the poorly funded factions.
Update 1.19 (5/09/2020)
- Removed the Voyager Suit from Butcher... Meant to get rid of the item from him awhile ago but forgot about it.
- Removed "ALL" artifacts from all traders for sale. The few traders who sold them no longer do. They of course will still buy them and what not! I did this for 2 reasons; first, because it doesn't make much sense that they would be selling artifacts but also looking for the same things, and second is because of Wuut's new addon which I find to be a very cool and unique idea. I recommend giving it a shot to spice up the game a little further. Anyhow, I do not plan on adding back artifacts for sell and will likely not make any other great moves of that sort in the future.
- I also adjusted the description for this addon some fixing some issues and missing text as well as fixes to what is actually included!
Update 1.18 (4/04/2020)
- Added the Kar98k to the following traders; Loris, Bandits, Flea Market (Night), and Barkeeper.
- Got rid of a few files that were not being used.
- Added a few more guns to the night flea market.
- Added some basic drinks to Loris's Inventory.
Update 1.17 (2/23/2020)
- Removed the recipes for sell aspect of the addon until I iron out the issues pertaining to this feature (Or simply give up on that idea). For now just enjoy it without such.
- Note: There was added a file that replaces the old letter file from before as to revert the cost back to normal. If you wish to delete this file for whatever reason then simply follow this path (gamedate -> configs -> items -> items -> items_letters.ltx then delete this file this file is not needed for those downloading this addon for the first time. It is simply for those who have already downloaded the addon to revert the file back to its normal state).
- Due to the fact that I removed some core stuff from Hermann and Cardan I readjusted their stocks some. Now Hermann will sell ALL outfit modules while Cardan will sell all weapon modules. the % chance is unchanged in both cases.
- Note: Hermann does not start off selling all of the modules you gain more with higher reputation.
Update 1.16 (2/17/2020)
- Adjusted the stock of Cardan a lot! Removed the random crafting materials and random items. However, I added ALL upgrade modules to his stock and adjusted his sell prices to be similar to the rate of butcher. Note: The Upgrade modules only have a % chance to appear and do not always appear.
- Added The Advanced Stalker trader (Normal) file to the main addon. No need to have it separate. This also means it has been added to the Traders buy damaged goods as well!
- Adjusted the buying factor of the Advanced Stalker trade. They now buy for much better and will sell to you at a much fairer price.
- Note: This is still being tested for balancing reasons so please do give feedback on this feature especially!
- Removed a non-used scope (Would not work) from Sidorovich's inventory.
Quick Fix For Update 1.15 (1/30/2020)
- Fixed an issue with the New icon items being the old price for the armors.
- Adjusted the armor values of Poet's and Phoenix's Sunrise suits to be lower than they were before. No longer using a similar value to the Skat suit.
Update 1.15 (1/28/2020)
- Adjusted the stats of some of the special suits of armor (mostly little changes) as well as the prices of a few such as Poets and Phoenix sunrise suits some of these prices are significant boosts in cost, others not so much.
- Fang's Exoskeleton is now base price of 305000 but has a major increase in carry weight to 145 as well as it is now 4 kilograms lighter!
- Poet and Phoenix's Sunrise suits have been made significantly more expensive as well as a slight increase in their weight.
- most other suits have had their costs increased by a good amount.
- Adjusted the inventory of Vector some as well as added a few items to him such as a sleeping bag and tent!
- The Monolith basic trader profile has been adjusted that they now have a chance to sell toolkits.
- Added ISG to the Hardmode and Buy damaged good files.
- Properly fixed the Flea market buying recipes for a lot of money. NOTE: I have tested with BOTH normal versions but not all of the other versions of the files. I set them up similarly so I suspect they should all work the same. However, if it does not work please tell me as there is another problem happening there.
Update 1.14 (1/21/2020)
- Fixed an issue with Flea market buying Recipes for a high amount!
- Removed the Mechanics sell toolkits file (No real need to waste space with it)!
- Note: Flea Market, and Truck Cemetery Bandit Trader sell the toolkits still!
- Removed the toolkit aspect to forestors trader profile (no need for it). Also further adjusted his inventory! He now uses Loner Reputation to unlock higher tier items!
- Added An optional file for Advanced Trading where random STALKERS will buy items at very low condition (10% to be precise). THIS DOES NOT need to be used with Traders buy damaged goods!
- Added most scopes and silencers to Sidorovich's stock (most are opened up at the tier 2 of items)
- Added Hellhounds suit to Duty (Max Rep Needed)
Quick Fix For Update 1.13 (1/06/2020)
- Restored the missing new icons for the new suits. They are now included again!
Update 1.13 (1/06/2020)
- Now made the Toolkits for sale an Optional file as it was a LONG time ago! (So no more mechanics selling Toolkits "Normally")
- Added an optional file to remove all damaged and Old ammo from traders stock.
- Added an optional folder for the removal of recipes from trader (Also includes the NORMAL recipe item file without the changed prices).
- Adjusted the optional files further so that they now have a folder for any item removal.
Update 1.12 (12/31/2019)
- Updated The Sin Faction so now they sell a LOT more items as well as more logical stuff. They will also buy artifacts at a good price as well as sell more artifacts now!
- Added the Ak 12 to the Sin Faction in the B&S files!
Update 1.11 (12/29/2019)
- Added cooking fuel to Butcher's stock!
- Removed the guns from the Ecologist trader (Also fixes a problem where Sarky boy would walk around with a PKM as he happily greeted you)
- Added a LARGE amount of new items to the Flea Market traders!
- Note: These items all have different chances to appear in their stock.
Update (Minor)
- Added back in Butcher's ability to buy Humanoid body parts... However, he still buys them for less than the Ecologist!
- Added a few new items that Butcher sells which include; Medkits, a few drinks, hides, and a few random items. Now, you no longer have to look at the shelf beside him and wonder why he wont sell you a drink or a medkit!
Update 1.10
- Added a Normal And Outfit Version of the Trader Overhaul.Some people have asked for this So I provided two version of the same addon within this. Take note that they are broken into two folders which are the Normal Trader Overhaul and the outfit Version Of Trader Overhaul. Within these two folders you will see Trader Overhaul (Main Folder), this is the main gamedate folder WITHOUT any of the addons included. The optional files are also provided in each of these folders as you will see.
- The Normal Version DOES NOT have the new armors I created. They have been removed for this version of it! Other than that it is exactly the same!
- The Outfit Version of course still has my new outfits.
- Updated the Optional File folder as well as reorganized the Folder setups (The optional file readme tells you what each of the files do).
- Fixed a few missing armors from some traders as well as added back the mutant Hunter Suit To Butcher (Only a 50% chance he will have it any cycle!)
Update 1.09
- Added Bolt Packs to a few more traders as well as to the Bandit Trader in the Truck Cemetery.
- Added The basic Sunrise Suit right off the bat for Barkeeper... Some reason He didn't start with it?
- Added A few more items that Random Stalkers will be willing to sell to you in the Optional File!
- Added Hellhound's Coat, Mutant Hunter Suit, and The Zealots Robe to Forestor's Inventory. (Mutant Hunter Suit DID appear but Only for the B&S files)
- Added Random Stalkers to the "Traders Buy Damaged Goods file." Now they too will buy really crappy conditioned items from you!(Also added to the normal file and changed to 30% condition here)
- **may add guns and armors as potential items random stalkers will be willing to sell to you... Not sure about that yet.
Update 1.08
- Updated the Icons further, which includes the mutant Hunter Suit, Thief's Tunic, and Hellhounds Coat (now with the insignia of the Hellhound included!). (Thanks to Evilwarrior2019 again for these)!
- Added back in properly the Wa2000 to nimble and reduced the chance that the Bandit trader and Sidorovich will sell it to only a 20% chance. After all, it should be a rare gun!
- Added an optional file for random Stalkers trading that gives them a larger selection of stuff they will sell to the player! This is an optional file! (This file is still in work but will give them a MUCH larger selection of stuff that they may sell to you making them more useful for your travels about the zone. Again, this is still in the works.)
- Can be found under the Advanced Stalker Trade folder.
Update 1.07
- Made a new optional Icons for the new outfits (which were provided by Evilwarrior2019!). NOW you do not need to worry if you use anything that edits the icons! So, in short if you don't want the new icons you don't need to use them!
- Added The Hunters Kit and a few knives to Forester
- Removed the n. at the end of a few of the new outfit descriptions.
- Slightly increased the price of Hawaiian's Sunrise Suit
Update 1.06
- Added the Bandit Traders in The Truck Cemetery and Jupiter to the Traders included.
- Truck Cemetery trader provides a lot of junk items and old/damaged ammo as well as some upgrade modules.
- Jupiter trader has had a number of new (and really good weapons) added to his stock as well as other useful items not normally sold (such as armors which includes the Mutant Hunter Suit!) . At max rep he sells artifacts!
- Adjusted the Durability of a few of the custom armors to make them survive better against anomalies.
- added proper Helmetless Seva Icon! (Thanks to Evilwarrior2019 for the new Icon and his hard work making it! A big help there)
- Updated Russian translations! ALSO provided by Evilwarrior2019!
Quick Fix as of 12/3/2019
- Fixed a crash with the Helmetless SEVA where it was missing the wound immunity from the items profile.
Quick Fix for Update 4
- A simple fix that incorporates the new adjustments to outfits from update 4.
Quick Fix (These fixes are provided by Evilwarrior2019)
- Added The Russian Translations to ALL armors now.
- Fixed the helmet issue with the Artifact Hunter Suit.
- Fixed a description issue with the Helmetless Seva.
Thanks to Evilwarrior2019 for the fixes provided with this update!
Update 1.05
- Added two new armors, Zealot's Robe, and Artifact Hunter Suit.
- Removed all of the special suits (except for his own) from Hawaiian's stock. Now other traders will sell them. The following is what trader sells them now.
- Poet's Sunrise Suit = Barkeeper / tier 2
- Phoenix Sunrise Suit = Barkeeper / tier 2
- Ghost's Sunrise Suit = Sidorovich / tier 2
- Fang's Exoskeleton = Sidorovich / tier 5
- Hellhounds Coat = Millitary / tier 5
- Mutant Hunter Suit = Forester/ Owl / tier 3
- Helmetless SEVA = Ecologist Traders / tier 1
- Thief's Tunic = Bandit Trader/ Loris / tier 1
- Scar's Trenchcoat = Clear Sky / tier 3
- Zealot's Robe = Monolith / tier 2
- Artifact Hunter Suit = Beard / N/A
- Hawaiians Sunrise Suit = Hawaiian / N/A
- Further Adjusted the stock appearance rate for traders (% chance that they will actually sell an item). Nothing major just some small changes.
- Made Hawaiian's suit a little better now.
- Changed the Inventory icon for the Helmetless Seva so that it makes more sense (Sadly, it still has the helmet shown).
- Fixed an issue regarding Forester buying damaged goods below 10%. Now he buys normally at 50%
- Fixed traders in regards to recipes so now they buy them for VERY little. Stops you from making lots of money selling them later on!
- Small adjustments to the Helmetless Seva's stats (Chemical and Rad).
- Added a stealth factor (similar to the Ghillie suit but less effective) to Ghost's Sunrise Suit. This also affects the price of Ghost's Suit.
- Added An optional file for Mechanics where they no longer sell the Toolkits (Basic, Advanced, Expert).
Update 1.04
- Adjusted the ammo of factions a little so now the following factions will sell tier 2 ammo right away. Bandits, Duty, Freedom, Monolith, Military, Mercenary.
- Removed the Optional file status of Hawaiian With Extra suits and made it part of the normal addon. If anyone is using any addons that adjust the suits I will happily make a patch for such!
Update 1.03
- Made small adjustments to the trader files (made them look a little nicer is all).
- Added a Compatibility patch for B&S! (Both hard and Normal version with a similar patch with this for Traders Buy Damaged Goods). ALL files are compatible with each other for this addon!
- Got Rid of the Nimble Lore Friendly version (If you wish to remove the Exoskeletons then just ask and I will be more than willing to help with such!)
Quick Fix
- Fixed an issue where the recipes would crash when you read them. Now, in order to fix this all of the recipes are now 10,00 rubles for all of them. This fixes the issue. If you have any questions on why that's that case then sure... It won't be a short response however.
Update 1.02
- Added The Barge Trader to the trader files (now he sells all of the extra toolkits!) May later see If I can fix his toolkit quest so there is no need for this but for right now it will be this way.
- Ecologist now buy Humanoid Mutant parts for a good price. Butcher no longer buys humanoid mutants for a lot.
- Added an optional file for Traders Buy Damaged Stuff (THIS IS AN OPTIONAL FILE not part of the main trader file). Also added Bandits, Owl, and Loris to the traders who will buy damage ammo.(Take note they will only buy things 10% or higher in quality so anything below they wont!)
- Adjusted the Item apperance rate for HARD mode files some (Meaning less items and rarer chance for better items to appear!) (Thanks to emze for his work and for the suggestion!)
- Added Almost all traders and mechanics to the Neutral trader file!
- Adjusted the file setup a little to better make the folders make sense.
Update 1.01
- Added the trader guide which is a detailed guide on how to adjust the trader files. Will be adding one for outfits in the next release.
As A Fun Aside. If you were wondering whom I based the Poet and Phoenix sunrise suits on they are actually two channels which do Airsoft stuff for a league and game called Stalker Strike. If you understand Russian well I highly recommend giving them a watch at the below links! I highly enjoy there stuff and have gotten a few ideas for how I have personally adjusted my game based on their videos!
You are a legend. The traders without this mod are just plain stupid and broke the game mechanics. Having done 2 playthroughs with this mod, I can't recommend it enough. It is brilliant.
Thank you, its been my pleasure to try and make the zone a more entertaining place to travel in.
bloodsucer is on ya *** :3
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!!!
nice pfp (btw subcribe to pewdiepie)
Hi! I'm using your mod with the B&S optional patch but some items that are supposed to be in certain merchants can't be found there. For Example Meeker the outskirts merc trader is supposed to have some B&S silencers and leupold tac kit but he doesn't. I even checked the file for meeker and the items are in there but they don't appear ingame for him for some reason. And i've got 2k+ reputation with Mercs too...
Yeah same here, all of the kits are missing from the traders but can be spawn through debug menu spawn items..
Just new to this series (Anomaly) and the trading is one thing I wish would change.
BTW Extremely well presented :)
I would hope those optional files for certain features comes back. I don't like the idea of being able to buy the tools kits so easily.
I simply combined it all as a way to simplify all of the potential comparability files. However, with that being said, I am making some guides on how to adjust the trader files for those who would like to adjust out these things. Not sure If I'm going to bring any of those back however... Sorry about that.
Well done on this, a lot of good features for traders that it should be implemented into the Anomaly base game.
Congratulations with this sort of "Completness" and "Official Release". I've been using your add-on since v1.03, and out of 10 pages of add-ons for Anomaly, it's one of the most well done and important ones.
Also, really like that the complexicity has been cut down a bit, cause latest versions were starting to get slightly out of hand with all the folders and compatibility patches.
Hopefully people won't immideately overwhelm you with requests for patches and merges, and will let you rest a bit. Congrats one more time.
Thank you for the flattery! With that being said I honestly didn't mind the comparability files in of themselves as much as I minded all of the different optional files which were clogging things up. It REALLY needed to be cut down a little so that's exactly what I did. I will still likely add them in the future but I have to see which ones people are actually using before I do anything too extensive. Again, thanks for enjoying the addon! And great addon yourself!
Thx for the new release!
But I will stay with the prior version due to BaS compatibility and patiently wait for the new patch.
Its one of the reasons I'm still keeping the older version up for those who want those files still. I don't blame you. Like I said I will add some of those files in the future I just wanted to start fresh with all of that stuff.
where can i download the previous version compatible with BaS?. BaS has a patch for V 1.19 normal but cant find it on addons section. Is that patch working on 1.20.1?
Great work by the way!
do this work with warfare or only with story mode ?
To be honest I have never played Warfare and never tested it out for it either. Sadly I cannot say as I don't play Warfare mode... But with that being said I don't see why it wouldn't work. Please do tell me if it does however, as I'm generally interested to find out.
I think it's fundamental to have a compatibility version for "traders buy broken **** and old ammo".
I may add something of that sort or at least add a few traders who do that. Regardless if you want you can edit the files as you see fit. Added a guide about traders that goes into good, but simple detail how they work and how to edit them.
Added The Trader Guide for anyone who wishes to do their own adjustments to the files!
amazing! a must have mod!
where do you get the alternate versions of the sunrise suit (bear,graphite,tiger stripe, etc) with this mod?
Barkeeper now sells them. However, a few traders sell one or two like the Travel Suit or Wastelander ones. I'm actually adding Loris I think to the list of people who sell them just to add a little more depth there. However, as of right now its pretty much Barkeeper.
Note: Oh, and I just looked and nearly forgot! So does Cashier! He sells them as well!
Where can you find Caisher?
He's the trader in the Loner Hideout in Outskirts.
This mod is absolutely amazing! Though, I would really like an optional file that makes all the traders neutral, or at least somehow protects them from stray mutant/monolith attacks. I hate finding out that sometime during my playthough dushman got secretly eaten by a pseudogiant. Thank you!
Yeah, I can do a version where ALL of the traders are neutral in the future. I have one which has only a few turned neutral so that wouldn't be hard to do.
New here, and looking forward to giving this a try. Skimmed the guide and may have missed it, but install instructs and how to implement optional files? I see they are a series of nested folders within a 'gamedata' so think I can muddle through, but (HARD) and (Main Folder) are mutually exclusive versions, or is (HARD) added to (Main...)? What do you do with the tier files - are they only for reference outside of the game? Does mod install require starting a new game?
Maybe dumb observation from noob, but seems to me that default Anomaly prices for <everything> are a factor of x10 at least, and arguably some unreasonably so: 600+ RU for "bread crumbs" etc? LOL. Thank you S!
To answer your first question the Hard file should be installed OVER the main folder. I should honestly put it back into the Optional files foe ease of understanding there. So If you want to use optional files then simply take the folder you need (Normal or HARD version when necessary) and overwrite anything it ask to.
As for the guide it is simply a guide for adjusting the traders files as needed. The Tier files are more for myself but also as a way to show How I have done the weapon tier system. They are both of no use In game and are mostly for modding purposes.
As for the final part, sadly that's something more innate with the game. I could adjust those things but trust me... It's best the way it is.
Thank you sir for quick but thorough reply!
Thanks author. For adding compatibility with traders buy broken ****. Much appreciated :D
No problem! And welcome!
This addon is a very good one, thanks mate! I wish they'll add it in the base game
Thank you. and even if they don't add it I hope the take a few notes from this addon and use those ideas in the next major release!
Eyyy thanks for buffing Ecologists buying Mutant parts and nerfing Butcher :)
Edit: Also wanted to ask, is it only Bandits, Owl, and Loris that will buy damaged goods if you use this optional file?
No, all traders will buy damaged goods. That effects everyone.
I used 1.01 so far. Do I have to start a new game for 1.02?
No! That's the beauty of this addon. All you have to do is overwrite. However, take note that you may have to wait for the restock cycle to pass before the stock of some traders change.
Great, thank you!
"No, all traders will buy damaged goods. That effects everyone. "
This is not my experience with mod installed, unless the mod simply moves the sale threshold up, e.g. I cannot sell guns in the mid- to high 40% range (yellow), so is it only above 50% or only certain merchants?
Its an optional files not the main addon file. That is probably why it isn't working as you intended.
Do the Traders buy broken weapons?
As it is extremely annoying to collect them so as to make some cash only to find that they cannot be sold.
Sorry for the late response. It is an optional file in this addon so the initial traders DO NOT buy broken stuff.
Thank you.
I was able to sell Sid some broken pistols, however I tried to sell him a shotgun that was seriously damaged and he would not buy it.
If the weapons are really badly damaged will Sid not buy them?
Additionally he would not buy the damaged suit.
Hmm... Not sure why that's the case... May require a new game for that to work. I would wait till the new stock cycle has passed and if it doesn't work then it probably needs a new game for it to work.
Any chance to compatibility patch for BaS?
I'm getting a crash nearly allways when opening a guide magazine. I'm not sure if that is related to item_letters.ltx, but the game is stable otherwise. Only happens when I want to look for required item parts in the guides. I think it's wthe engineer's guide, but not entirely sure. However, I'm still using the older version, that has a BaS patch included.
I may in the near future come out with a BaS patch unless someone does it before me...
As for your second question yeah, I have noticed that myself. Not sure what would be causing it. I'm currently testing it to see HOW it happens but I don't get a log telling me any issue has happened at all so its not easy. I'll probably try WITH and WITH OUT the file and see what happens. I'll get back to you when I find a solution.
Oh man, I'll be more than happy if you can make adaptation for BaS.
Thanks for great work!
It's out now!