The Great Jedi Purge has spread throughout the galaxy with devastating results. Recent sighting of a Jedi fugitive in the Anodea system has led the Emperor to order Darth Vader - the Dark Lord of the Sith - to make sure that this Jedi won't leave this realm alive under ANY circumstance.


Last updated: April 10th 2021. TODOA (including the Belga Jer DLC aka TODOA 2) with an installer, upscaled textures and some other tweaks

TODOA - Edition of Magnitude 1.0.5
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RevanHUN - - 2 comments


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Jango40 - - 2 comments

The link is not working! Help!

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

Well, the download link seems to work fine on my end (at the moment). At any rate, here's an alternate download location:

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CoDAlvar007 - - 13 comments

This page is now ******** itself because of the links

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Guest - - 693,822 comments

Got into the game, started playing, but the lightsaber graphic has this big black box around it, what do

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

You did install the TODOA TC patch, right? Check the readme for instructions. :]

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Guest - - 693,822 comments


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GoldenVenom - - 13 comments

So i put all the files in the game folder i started the patch and entered the mod.After i create my profile i press play todoa tc and it says ”insert JK disk 1” i insert the disk and it still dosent work. I inserted both disks I use windows7 64bit By the way the normal game works fine And i used JKVersions too and it still dosent work

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

Does your copy of JK have a file named "JK_.CD" in the [JK Directory]\Resource folder?

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

In any case, I'm really out of touch with handling JK these days so I really don't have any other suggestions. Sorry!

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TP555-1981 - - 8 comments



I know , you give No more tech support , for this Mod , but i have some fixed , and remotivate you , to reopen your tech support , for this Cool Mod.

What i could Fix:

Proper 21:9 with 120 Fov + Mip Map Fix , from shinyquagsire23 , works only with the Unoff. Patch , not with JK13.

Fix the Light Sabers , for the Unoff Patch , just use them from GSX Mod.

Fix the Blood Mod for Todoa , Main Patch is from Gibbagobba from

i have found some Bugs:

Loaded SaveGames , cause a problem with the SubTitles , like ÄOI or something wrong , at end Level , cause the Loaded Savegames a Crash , when Beat the End Boss , at first Time , when Teleport the World.

The Cutscenes are looking , wrong for 21:9 , with Fov Patch.
Can you full open the Screen Space for the Cutscenes as Seperate Gob File ?

In the Mission Drowning , gives some Light Issues , in the Elevator , when looks up.

Here is my Fixed Short Gameplay

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

Hey, thanks man! I wish I had the time and energy for big projects like TODOA these days.

That said, there are lot of bugs still in the mod - some are due to Jedi Knight itself (wrong subtitles if you load a savegame), some are due to me not figuring some things out in 2009. And the project files are a really big mess too - putting the cutscenes to a separate GOB file would take a long time.

In fact, the only thing I did to commemorate the mod's upcoming 10th anniversary was making a JkGfxMod version of this TODOA area ( ) for the intro cutscene in TODOA 2: Enhanced Edition ( ).

Thanks for the video and the comments!

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TP555-1981 - - 8 comments


Yes , but TODOA 2 , is so very short :D , an Extended 1 Level Version , will be nice :D

hmm , i must look , when ill Load a Savegame in JK or Mots , if that too corrupts , the Sub Titles.

But thx , for your Quick Reply , and mayby an interests , to Release Todoa 1 Fixed , and 2 as Extended Version :D

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

Hey! Maybe one day I'll get back to making a bigger project for JK (or MotS). :]

Here's hoping that there will be new JkGfxMod features when the time comes!

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andrews05 - - 12 comments

When I tried launching the TODOA.bat file, I get an error saying "failed to launch JK.exe" I followed the installation instructions, but I can't seem to get it to launch. I'm using the steam version.

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Guest - - 693,822 comments

Can you post a screenshot of which files do you have in the [Jedi Knight directory]\TODOA\ directory as created by the installer?

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andrews05 - - 12 comments

Thanks for offering to help but I was able to figure it out. I had to install the game with the CD version. The steam version was causing me problems.

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Guest - - 693,822 comments

is there a list for all the secret areas in the mod? because I can only find 2/3 secrets in level 1

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FastGamerr Author
FastGamerr - - 578 comments

The first level (Storm) only has two, the second level has three: one under a static elevator's floor (that you need to blow up, usually blowing up the container next to it helps), one at the end of the corridor in the bottom of the elevator shaft that you need to jump over (close to the first secret), and the one in the detention cells

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Alfredon - - 170 comments

Is there a way to change the music? I would like to put Jedi knight soundtrack in this mod.

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