In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by pollution, Earth is a desolate wasteland. A colossal robot, once created by scientists to restore the environment, lies dormant amidst the ruins. Our protagonist, a curious and explorer-type person, discovers the robot and embarks on a quest to uncover its purpose. As they explore, they inadvertently trigger the awakening of the robot, revealing its mission to rejuvenate the planet. With its awakening, they can now use it to explore more and find new hidden pieces to repair the robot. They then have an objective. Repair the robot and help it restore the life of the barren lands, symbolizing the resilience of humanity.
From a small idea, a (still) small game project emerged which is becoming more and more real. We are looking forward to turning this game into a highly appreciated experience for fans of indie-puzzle games.
We are proud of what we achieved but we need more. And for that, there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done. For now, we are excited to show you some of the narrative behind the origin of our game.
Let 's begin with…
"Titan Ascension" immerses players in the journey of Sophia, a grieving child in a decaying world. Sophia discovers a forgotten warehouse with the remnants of a mighty robot and, intrigued, embarks on a mission to restore it.
Through puzzles and a bit of exploration, Sophia reactivates the robot, gaining its assistance and unlocking new ways to reach higher grounds. Together, they work to reconstruct his body.
"Titan Ascension" blends exploration, puzzle-solving, and narrative depth, exploring themes of discovery, resilience, and hope in a collapsing world.
As players explore the ruins of the warehouse, they'll encounter intricate puzzles that interact with the environment. To progress, players must find the solution to open the door to the new room, deciphering the right moves required to activate each pressure plate and unlock the robot's secrets. With each puzzle solved, the titan reveals more about its enigmatic past, offering a captivating journey of discovery and intrigue.
Our initial approach to the design concept of our game was to use the robot to help us get further and reach new grounds. Inspired by co-op games, it was initially supposed to be a duo game. However, we changed the mechanics so that the robot helps our character only occasionally, rather than offering two distinct experiences, by completing challenges throughout the world. We aimed to make our game as immersive as possible through this and many other design approaches.
With the help of our Developer, we made a prototype of some of the mechanics that will be implemented later:
These mechanics can suffer some alteration.
Hope you find this game interesting and keep with us on our new journey.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
We are excited to look into your best thoughts!
We are NewHorizon!
See you next week!