@[DarynS](members:daryns:959492) and I have been friends for nearly 30 years, he and I working on various projects together, for many of those years. @[DarynS](members:daryns:959492) has the ability to pick up very quickly on technical matters, learning very rapidly, thereafter able to apply what he has learned with great effectiveness. Whereas I, apparently, have some small knack for making Doom maps. Our two talents compliment each other's perfectly, all of our projects, without exception, emerging remarkably well. Especially our Doom maps. I have dabbled in making maps for Doom since the late 90s, getting my start with DoomEd, then later graduating to DoomBuilder2, when I decided to get back into map-making again. Now, I use Ultimate DoomBuilder, enjoying it very much, and especially its developers' apparent desire to make the full power of GZDoom accessible to as many people as they can.

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It's done!

But what does "Ambiation" mean? Is it really a word?

No, hehe, it isn't. Well, kind of now it is, since I made it up! But think "Ambient" and apply it to a thing which does something to create an ambient effect and you pretty much got it. What it means in our case, is a giant, full-on Tesla Tower!

Power for all mankind that is free and all that, right? Well, Dragon Sector has got it! And good lord, is it ever awesome!

We're doing some final tweaks over this weekend, and hope to do the final polishing for a release by next Sunday night.

We've also done a bunch of work on the mapset's front end, custom menus, custom screens, intermission texts, and a whole bunch of improvements throughout the maps, themselves.

Of the latter, I've been listening and I've dropped a good bit of more ammo through the maps. Especially in maps 01 thru 03. You're going to have to go looking for some of it, but playing the maps is no longer going to be such an exercise in ammunition conservation. Which will hopefully make the play experience better for a lot of people.

We also did a bunch of quality-of-life improvements across all the maps. Shortened a few lift wait times, made a few other things operate a little quicker and more efficiently, did a bit more optimization in some areas that were causing Framerate chug, all in hopes of making the play experience a lot smoother.

So be looking forward to it! If all goes well, be looking for an update from us next weekend!

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