Hello! The Max Payne Remixed mod team consists of a few passionate modders with a strong love for the Max Payne franchise. We are only 3 people right now so we're looking to expand our team. The scope of remastering Max Payne is quite large and there is a lot to be done. We are also aiming for a high quality production with lots of attention to detail. Therefore, we need more people! New helping hands for this project.
Right now we need 3D modelers and someone to organize a Github page and the mod files!
Do you have experience in modding? Do you have what we are looking for and feel like helping out? In that case please get in touch with us! You can reach us via PM on Moddb or on Discord: Discord.gg
Best of luck finding some folks, Max's living room never looked so foreboding!
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Hello, I'll like to be a tester, I don't know much about 3d-modelling, i used to mod 3d models of the game with MilkShape 3d between years 2002-2005. My best greetings.