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thanks for the add
DUNE in the Header?
all red alert 2 /Yuri revenge fans i am making a campaing the missions are going to be released next week download will be avaible on my profile ,on this group and on serbian group
cool, another c&c fan group
yay! Updated the summary with a fancy new image! Discuss. Good or bad? You tell me!
where's yuri? :P
Go easy on the update thing
This group needs to be about 20% cooler.
Anyone that has an awesome way to format the header and group description, please contact one of the moderators - Sketch, Reven, Sighnapse or me.
I've got some ideas, need aboud day or so
I'm working on a header image, so just message me what you're thinking and we'll try and make something awesome :P
Check Your PM))