Hi there, I'm a gamer...
My favourite games are: 1 - Deus Ex (trilogy)/2 - Silent Hill (0, 1, 2, 3, 5)/3 - Half Life (1, 2 complete)/4 - Civilization III /5 - The Suffering (1&2)/6 - Hidden and Dangerous (1&2)/7 - TNM /8 - MYST (the original!)/9 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (SoC) /10 - Duke Nukem 3d and Forever /11 - Serious Sam FE, SE, BFE /12 - Splinter Cell series.
not so nice compozer! ;)
I wonder if someone had ever used that application somewhat!
A group dedicated to indie and standalone game development.
If it's information about Mod DB and ramblings about mods in general that you are after - then you have come to the right place. Welcome to the official...
Love Deus Ex? Of course you do! Delve deeper into the world of conspiracies and revel the glorious Deus Ex series. So, join us!
Indie games are changing the world, one giant pixel at a time. With Indie DB we aim to support independent developers and their games, by providing them...
A group for all Italian members of ModDB. Share your views here! Tutti i membri sono invitati a specificare la loro regione d'origine per avere un titolo...
This group is for the fans of silent hill games to stay up to date with all things Silent Hill.
(Game competition here on DBolical.com) This is just a normal group for people who can win great prizes. All competitions will have different marks on...
Undead Italia è una comunità che tratta videogame del genere Zombie, Survival e Horror. Un esempio sono WarZ, DayZ, Survarium.. La comunità possiede...
Hey, I just wanted to let you know Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside is released, you invited to play Moddb.com
Hey thanks! Lot of time had passed by since last time I enter MOD DB... anyway I'll take a look!
hey Tecmec, love your jc-2d game, very cool. inspired me to begin my own project, been driving myself crazy with unreal.ed for yrs, progress so slow. busted out half dozen lvls in that 001.game.creator just to test my ideas, can't decide if i should keep going in unreal or find something easier... anyway im rambling (way too much coffee) really keen to play your syd.black game. hope it comes out in english ;) (hint hint)
Tank you my friend! :) I'm very grateful and very happy that you like my little work! I suggest you to create a game with the old-but-great unreal engine 1, the original for Deus Ex, I know It's difficult and slow but I think that the final product will be very interesting anyway. If you play or simply watch Syd Black game, please send me a comment about it, I will be very happy to receive a sincere review about it! Unfortunately translate it in english will be a long work because It's full of complicate discourses in italian, difficult for my simple english to translate it well! :P
Thanks again for your interest, have a nice week! :)
No haven't played that game. But I like the game. I've seen video. I'm actually 12 but i'm gonna make soon 13
Ah, ok! I understand! :)
Anyway thx
You're welcome
Thanks for the compliments and friendship! Stay tuned for future DXN updates! :]
I can't wait for it! Thanks!