Hello IndieDB Community!
We are the Black Beaver Studios, a portuguese team of 3 game developers, and welcome to our 4th article!
Logo of our Studio
Today's article
In this article we want to show you the process of the development of Ly (Lyanna), our main character, as well as her profile in the game.
Final Spec-Sheet
Here you can see how it turned out the spec-sheet of Ly.
Final spec-sheet
- Name: Lyanna Cooper
- Age: 23 years old
- Family:
- Father: Rick Cooper
- Mother: Sarah Cooper
- Brother: Kyle Cooper, 13 years old.
- Occupation: Studied engineering, is an expert with technology and works by herself on that behalf.
- Attributes:
- Very smart
- Agile
- Fearless (since the father was arrested, and mom died, she had to become fearless, for her brother)
- Fast
- Silent
Process of development
Firts idea of how Ly could be (before defining her profile)
Color studies
Low Poly Character blockout
More of her backstorie will be explained in a future article, an article to explain the whole storie of the game.
Did you find our main character interesting by this images? Do you wanna see the final results? Stay tuned for it. We appreciate all feedback!
From the studio Black Beaver, welcome to the beginning of this amazing story!
That's all for this week, thank you!
See you next time!
Black Beaver Studios