Survive is a Unreal engine lowpoly Indie action Adventure, in Developement since 03/24. Inspired by older horror and action adventure titles, the game will feature a series of puzzles mixed with some limited open world levels to explore.
Hello everyone, my name is Stefan, I'm 42 years old and this is the first indiegame project I'm working on.
I have been modding the Refractor2 engine for the past 20 years and
in December last year I decided to switch to unreal engine and working on something new.
I'm currently working on two projects, this is one of them.
Triggered by the first games in this genre in the early 90s, I have always loved playing games
like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc.
Accordingly, it was obvious for me to do something in this area.
In March of this year I bought a few codes to get the framework for this game running
and started incorporating simple mechanics typical of such games.
Created a simple functional UI menulevel and a worked on the inventory system.
After I had the basics up and working,
I acquired the player character and a few simple basic zombies and incorporated them into the game
in order to be able to continue working properly. Ive edited the hell out of the zombie meshes and completely changed them to fit better into the project.
Apart from the zombies and the player character, I created everything visually myself.
My focus is currently on the first level of the game.
I've already created lots of staticmeshes and made textures for them,
added vegetation and sounds etc. Iam also working on various codes for puzzles and gameplay related things etc.
I hope you like what I've created so far, more updates are coming soon!
Stay save and take care! Cheers =)