The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Fixes an issue with vanilla silent kills not sending npc_on_death_callback, and adds a new npc_on_silent_kill_callback for use by other addons.

Stealth Kill Detection Fix
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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 398 comments

This addon does not alter the way gameplay_silent_kills operates at all, not even a little. It does not change the test for whether or not a kill is silent. It just detects when one has happened, and sends the appropriate callback. It is extremely short and simple.

All of which is to say that if you're having problems with stealth kills not working, it ain't this addon.

Note: I accidentally packed up the (unaltered) vanilla copy of the silent kills script along with the original upload. That's fixed now, but since it was just the vanilla script I was using for testing, it won't change anything even if you're one of the few who downloaded that copy.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Theisgood - - 576 comments

Awesome I kinda get what this does, I know you as a modder and this is a quality mod.

So where would I load this in terms of load order I have PAW but not MILSPEC installed.

10/10 from me :D

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 398 comments

Load order should not matter. This just monkeypatches gameplay_silent_kills without overwriting it.

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Theisgood - - 576 comments

I noticed it did not conflict with anything awesome!

I love your mods keep up the great work my friend! 10/10

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StronGV - - 598 comments

I have a mod installed that adds dots on the radar and PDAs from NPC corpses. So, sometimes it happens that the dot is not added. Will this fix help resolve this issue? And yes, in the script of the “dots on the radar” mod, there is a call to the “npc_on_death_callback” function.

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 398 comments

Indeed, that is exactly the sort of thing this is supposed to fix. My Milspec PDA addon handles body marks on the map in the same way, and has the same issue.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
MaxISG - - 10 comments

If I recall correcty, when getting a bounty mission from PDA Interactive mod, sometimes a stealth kill is not recognized as yours, then, you get a message like "I know it wasnt you who finished the job, here's only half the payment". This mod should fix that problem, right?

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 398 comments

If it depends on the npc_on_death_callback, then yes, that is likely the same issue fixed by this addon.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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