Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (known as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D on the PC) is an arcade-style action game co-developed by Factor 5 and LucasArts.Set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy and inspired by the Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron comics, the game takes place primarily between events in the films Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. The player controls Luke Skywalker, commander of the elite X-wing pilots known as Rogue Squadron. As the game progresses, Skywalker and Rogue Squadron fight the Galactic Empire in sixteen missions across various planets.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron might be an old game to feature, but it is still one of the most highly ranked Star Wars games for its incredible gameplay. It was released for Windows on 3 December 1998, with a Nintendo 64 version released four days later. Although it was followed by two games for Nintendo Gamecube - Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader in 2001 and Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike in 2003, the PC gamers were left without any hopes for Windows version sequels. It may confirm the supposition that the first Windows version known as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D was a side project and actually was ported from the original Nintendo 64 game by two LucasArts interns.
The advantage of Windows version is that it would allow creation of mods, but unfortunately there was not any tool available. There were some developments around understanding the game data structure and modifying the game settings and all available utilities are now hosted at Secrets of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Since the game was getting quite old an idea for a petition for making the game level editor public arose among the fan community. The original L3D in-house level editor by Factor5 was used in development of the sequels, but it was already slightly out-dated and a new tool was to be development as a substitute. So, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D Editor Request petition has been started on 23 March 2009:
Dear LucasArts and Factor 5, We are a group of enthusiastic fans of your great PC platform computer game... Unlike some other Star Wars games there is not any tool available which would let fan community to expand the game by developing additional levels and modifications... Therefore we ask you to release freely the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D level editor. It would allow us to use our creativity to revive the game and expand it with fantastic add-ons...
The irony is that ten years after the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron has been apprised by all critics and won several awards, its developer Factor5 experienced deadly hard times and recently was officially closed. So it is a high time to join the forces for getting the original game editor, open doors for fan creativity and give a second birth to this Star Wars arcade game classics.
You can read the full text of the petition here: Please read it, sign it and spread this around. Join us! We need you now!
Although the Secrets of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron ( is around for a long time it is still the ultimate resource website of utilities...
A short Tut on how to find all the rs3d unlockables, and other stuff.
A basic walkthrough of how to play rogue squadron on Xp, Vista & Windows 7, with no speeding up, bugs, glithing or crashing.
Just the cheats for Rogue Squadron, and to make it a tutorial how to enter them and what they do.
snowspeeder mod es una pequeña mod para star wars rogue squadron que te permitira usar el snowspeeder en la amyoria de las misiones traslate:Snowspeeder...
This is the demo for star wars rogue squadron 3d, it requires directx 6 to play (it gives you the option to download it if you dont have it). the mission...
This is another no cd patch for starwars rogue squadron 3d. Note this patch was not made by me, i have virus scanned it and have no problems to report...
This Is A Patch For Rogue Squadron, That When Installed Lets You Play The Game Without The Disc. Note: This Does Not Install The Game You Must Have It...
This is the full starwars rogue squadron 3d sound track. it has 50 tracks in it like the opening music
Using this small utility you can easily explore the structure of .DAT and Bundle. data files, also with the same easiness extract any resource from these...
Has anyone ripped the midis from this game?
Have you guys tried the Rogue Squadron Star Wars Flash game which can be found at
If only the later games source code and source files were leaked.
I doubt anyone will see this but GOG got rights to sell this game and has bonus stuff from the 64 version and controller usage already set up. 6 bucks. Great deal. Works on Win7-64 most likely for 8 also. Also your Petition site is dead. Any chance there's a new one?
If anyone wants to start a new petition I am interested. I am currently making a RS3D Michinima called Starwars Aether, and would link the petition into it... (Not that it will be a big thing, but i would support however i can)
This is episode one
Nice idea Alucard0, the old petition didn't even get to 1,000 signatures, so we gave up that idea... some progress are made by a Slovak enthusiast currently in deciphering the game data. Check this out:
anyone know were i can get this DL from ?? i played the ones that came after but not this one itself. and it be soo cool if they went and did a next gen game remake off this.
if it runs too fast then change the comparability mode.You might encounter some adrupt glitches in the menu,and it will close after a mission is finished but the gameplay would be normal
I Remember the days i used to play this on my N64.... it was just like GoldenEye to me :D
My favorite game on the N64 right here. I wish I still had it, to be honest.