Post news Report RSS Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith Remastered 3.0

Huge update! Not only is this version adding the OpenJKDF2 Engine we were also able to add an in-game cutscenes mod which has affectingly remastered the Cutscenes! There is so many changes to the mod you will mainly just have to download and see for yourself but I will go over in detail a lot of the changes in this article!

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JKMRemastered3 0logo


JKM Remastered 3.0 Released!

The Mod is now at a whole new level of amazement! Thanks to huge help from Fastgamerr we finally were able to get the in-game Cutscenes mod implemented and working! Here is an early test footage of what we first got once the cutscene mod actually worked in-game:

As you can see from there Fastgamerr and I looked into what was needed to get the characters to stop changing to the old models during the cutscenes. It turns out each part of the cutscenes where the models changed was because the cutscene was actually using a different model for that part. After we figured out which model 3do files were in what scene Fastgamerr worked his magic and was able to get the models updated! We now have the results below in the screenshot!


So we have effectively remastered the Cutscenes! Upgraded Mara and Kyle models and were even able to add the Lightsaber Hilts! Which reminds me! I believe this is the first time Mara Jade actually has the right Lightsaber Hilt since in the original game the lightsaber is just a generic handle there is no detail on it at all. It is truly an awesome hilt and thanks to Fastgamerr we were able to get this Lightsaber hilt from jkHub, believe or not from a mod for Jedi Academy by Plasma Lightsaber Hilt Collection 1.9


I suppose it is not too hard to believe! The Game looks so much better it does effectively look like it is Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy now! Thanks to the implementation of openJKDF2 in this version we now have the awesome in-game configurations options for JKM now too!


New UI Menus

We were also able to use AI Enhancer and photoshop to Enhance the Game Menu images!


See more of the Menus in the image section or for that matter just download the mod now!

Download Now!

You can also Download from Nexus Mods here: Star Wars Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith Remastered

Installer Showcase!

Trailer Launch


Creators of OpenJKDF2
shinyquagsire23 - Max Thomas
bahstrike Strike
annnoo Anno
Jake Smarter

New Music:
*Clint Bakjakian & Richard Barrett Jr. - "Dark Forces Remastered Music pack" Found here:

*Mara Jade Theme - Created by General Tantor by using "Trouble Is Brewing" by Royalty free music FesliyanStudios and adding the Star Wars: Squadrons – Reveal Trailer Music (Extended) theme by Samuel Kim Music
Mara Theme replaces Track06

Ehanced Sounds & Dialogue - shimstock

FastGamerr and TreeMarmot creators of the amazing textures and upgraded effects! Without your help we would not have Jedi Knight: MOTS Remastered! check out there development group: The Secret Order of Sisyphus
- They used Varies Mods from JKA and some of the old JKE Models as well!
General credits:
* TreeMarmot/jdmclark for JkGfxMod and the Jedi Knight Neural Upscale Texture Pack

Original mod credits:
* Shred18 for Jedi Knight Enhanced (
* darthbabe96 for his MotS Enhanced mod (this mod uses content from his mod's version 0.91 available on AND his Muzzle Flash mod for JK ( as well as with providing other hi-res resources used in this mod

Other model/texture credits:
* HapSlash and INFINITY BLADE for the Imperial officers and other models
* MotS mod for Jedi Academy for the Imperial Navy Troopers (replacing the Commandos)
* SMLiberator and darthbabe96 for other misc. models and model adjustments
* For the rock/stone overlays used in some of the textures used in this mod:
* See the additional credits section on the bottom of this page for darthbabe96's original list of credits from MOTSE v. 0.91

Enormous help credits:
* SMLiberator ( for a lot of COG and other work to get this patch working on MotS, in addition to making the new sabers and helping me out with getting darthbabe96's muzzle flashes to work properly with JkGfxMod

Playtesting credits for previous versions:
* Vortikai ( for MotS AND for JK)

Cutscenes Remastered!
FastGamerr was instrumental in helping me fix up the old ingame cutscenes mod from Edward Leuf. He also helped in getting new Models replaced for the Dueling scene, Boba Fett Model and the new Rebel Officer Models we used from Varies JK3 model mods from Hapslash to the Dark Forces Mods and so on. Below is full credits for each models created.
- Rebel officers and commander from the MotS for Jedi Academy project
- Rebel Commander Head - Crix Madine Model from Galatic Legacy Mod for JKA
- Some textures and variations from the Dark Forces Mod for JA (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)
- (Boba Fett from JKE credits EMJK/EMSITH)

Plasma - Mara's Lightsaber, Luke Skywalkers and HD Yun Hilt models from Lightsaber Hilt Collection 1.9 mod were used and converted by Fastgamerr. That mod is for JKA and can be downloaded here:

UI Menus: Created by General Tantor with AI Art Ehancer and tuned up with Photoshop.

Evan Prince - Cleaned up MOTS Logo for the Main Menu Screen

Vurt's - JK-DF2 Extreme Definition Texture Pack

blackhawk3d1 - HD Switches & More


Shred18 For the rediculous amount of models
taken from his Jedi Knight Enhanced
mod. Also the Mara Jade and Darth
Vader models were converted by him
for various other projects.
DT85 from Luke Skywalker model for Multi-
player. Was all made by DT, Toshi,
Hapslash, and Raven from the Converted by Darthbabe96.

TK-962 from AT-AT Driver model for Jedi Out-
cast. Converted by Darthbabe96.
sea206 from The base mesh I used for creating
the new Rebel Soldier. Not sure if
he was the one who created it or
just uploaded it, but it worked

Zen Studios The original build and textures of
the new Stormtrooper and Scout
Trooper models. They did a good job.
Converted by Darthbabe96.

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Guest - - 693,866 comments

Cant get the new cutscenes to appear :/ oh well i guess

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Guest - - 693,866 comments

Edit: i missed a step they look great!

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Teancum - - 180 comments

I love this! I just played through MotS again a few months ago, but I try to do so every year or two. Looking forward to coming around to this again. Might I suggest this model for the New Republic commander in the cutscenes?

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GeneralTantor Author
GeneralTantor - - 637 comments

YESSS~!!! That is Awesome thanks man!

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