C&C: ShockWave is an enhancement mod for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. The main goal of this mod is to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with more diversity between the generals, making you think twice before you select a certain general, and overall provide more choices, diversity, and strategic freedom than in Zero Hour - while keeping the spirit and design direction of the original Generals game and storyline.
Full Release of ShockWave 1.201 More details available in the readme file
(Shrieking intensifying)
best GAME ever!
Can't wait
while we wait lets play a game of guessing!
Waiting for what?
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Do u mean that we will be ablr to download the new game for free !!!!!!
1 hour 48 min. 12 sec
6min 20k
lol 4 minutes
5 minuet done lol
2 mins
the link is prolly not gana work after countdown.. just like it NEVER DID for any of the rotr s LOL... xD xD its gana be delayed and released a day later haha
You got burried in the downvotes lol
happy birthday!
6 minutes left.
Now 59 seconds.
the second coming has arrived
Downloading >>>
Act in Instinct!
Hoorah ! Hail To the SWR !
Every time I select a general in general challenge the game crush
wait what!
the generals challenge is currently broken. it will be addressed in the future.
Also crashes every time I finish a skirmish match against AI...
thats a problem with gentools not shw
So, what can I do to solve?
You should have written it in the change/readme log
It was written on the forums. Like everything else. We don't provide direct support for third party software like Gentool.
mine to
When i was playing in skirmish with Deathstrike the game crushed
gentools causes salvage, demo, stealth to crash on the results screen
Why bugs why why :c
we want to play it on gameranger please like ver 1.1
when u have swrnet, which is far more stable and blocks maphacks/cheats
does it work with crack?
We don't provide support for Third-Party software. GameRanger must provide the update to support Shockwave.
ok but when i turn on swr.net i can't see any other player !!! although it says 7 players online !
No General's Challenege...WHY U DO DIS?????!!
I've played ShockWave since the very beginning of the mod... It'd be nice if Generals and ZH missions could be play in SW, and not only "mini-missions" as now...
Everybody, get your Nukes, Toxins and Particle Cannons ready. It's time for some Shockwave!
my nuke storm is ready :>
how to install it if i have ROTR already?
just install it along aswell and run it thru the Launcher, both mods work Flawlessly together.
how to play with swr.net ! i can't find any players at multiplayer
try with direct connect turned off