Half-Life, Uplink, and more. Uplinked is a series of eleven maps that aims to be an extension to "Forget About Freeman!".

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Maestra_Fenix says

May contain spoilers Agree (6) Disagree

Definitely the big flaw is the lack of detail in several parts, and the way some alpha / uplink concepts has been reused with irregular to bad results.
The first half is very "hey look, alpha inspired levels, do you like it now?". Thankfully, it picks up on the second half.

It is also a bit easy to get lost sometimes, as it forces you to try everything ( the hardest part was the Gargantua fight, where you have to put the crates within the water cistern, in order to block the pipes and flood the whole room. Took me a while to think what I was supposed to do there ).
There's the issue of AGrunt spam, and in a personal opinion, how little sense some areas have.

However, the big pros are the creative puzzles, and some twists to the alpha elements like having to raise the helipad.
The robot loader and submarine parts perhaps are a bit janky, but they are definitely cool. The same goes with the experimental weapon rooms like the Gluon cannon, the Speaker test and the Gravity cannon, which have amazing mini puzzles.

And then all of it for an immense roundabout...to get through the gate that was marked as UNSRC lmao.

Definitely feels like a mod from the old school era, and for being made by a single person, is quite cool.

I think with less AGrunts, a little more indication of what you have to do / go, and extra detail here and there, would improve a lot the mod.

Well, I thought that it's just another attempt to add Uplink levels into Half-Life, but the mod is really much MUCH more! A lot of interesting original levels plus extended redux of Uplink levels, and they're all seamlessly integrated in Half-Life without loosing any part of original gameplay. The quality of mapping is just amazing. The only fault of the mod are few really non-intuitive puzzles, which made me get stuck in bewilderment what to do (and finally check a walkthrough on YouTube to advance). But in everything else it's just a brilliant of HL mapping. The crazy good fact is that some truely epic things were made here without any additional coding, so the mod has perfect compatibility with any platform you'd like to use (I played it with Xash3D on Windows, but it looks that Android version should be suitable too). Highly recommend to play it! If you don't want to start completely new game from the beginning of Half-Life, you can start the mod itself from map c3a1 using console.

It's a great mod on it's own, but the pacing is way too slow for that part of the game so playing through the whole game with it feels off.

That was phenomenal! LOVED the sub sequence even if driving the loader to deliver it, while cool, was a bit of a painful stretch across two maps. It was a great blend between Alpha Aesthetics and 98' Valve mapping quality. This ain't gonna be a mod I'm gonna forget anytime soon!

This is definitely feels like the missing link (no pun intended) of Half-Life as a whole and it was worth it with new puzzles, better mapping, new set-pieces and unique gameplay mechanics.

Starts with a bang. I don't remember OG Half-Life hitting me this hard with Grunts and Vorts.

Tutorializes just like Half-Life! Laser door and the headcrab, for example.

Perplexing puzzles and precarious platforming. Although the box puzzle with the rising water was annoying. The physics are just way too janky for long periods of time. No need to put the boxes so far away behind a tedious maze of friction and frustration. Would've been cool to drown the Gargantua, but no shot you're getting those boxes from A to B without a little vaporization in between.

The robot loader puzzle was pretty tedious, especially with the trapdoors constantly sending you to the bottom, serving no purpose other than to waste your time.

Oh but the sub "tram ride" sequence was a lot of fun! I like that the welder(?) controls were introduced in the sunk sub first. Makes the inevitable chaos more manageable.

I love how the HECU so politely call me "mister".

A great Half-Life expansion. A bit tough with some tedious puzzles, but overall an advanced addition to the main game that was fun to play.

I have no brain, but i must review.


I used to love the cargo robots until I had to use one myself, oh my God the jank. I wish it was a bit more snappy and better telegraphed since I got stuck there for a bit. Garg's puzzle was easy for me (though I found the solution accidentally, but you can also sort of skip it with a tau jump?). The problem is that it's easier to collect all the boxes first rather than doing it in a half-flooded room, but you can't remove boxes once they've been placed.
Also this isn't a replacement for the original Uplink, as certain sections, while more detailed, are also more confusing and less straightforward. I loved the loop-arounds though.
I personally adore the first map from Forget About Freeman (which is also one of MP maps), so the fact that it starts and ends there does it for me. Definitely can be played as part of the original campaign, although you end up having one arena fight after another after another back to back once you make your way to the Lambda Complex.

As a side note, works great with MMod except for the penultimate map where it crashes on steam version and then refuses to load onto the next level so it needs Xash.


Half-Life DLC is realistic good

i mean Half-Life Uplink Update