Retro Generals is a classic de-make of the C&C Generals and ZeroHour Game in the Red Alert Engine. Bringing all you love about the game in a 2D voxel-based RTS game with retro pixel art graphics. Retro Generals is a collaboration between Dafool and Mircea of Rivia to bring the factions and feel of Generals Zero Hour to Yuri's Revenge. The aim is eventually to feature an entire custom set of Structures, Vehicles, and Infantry art.


Retro Generals is a collaboration between Mircea (Ion Shock, WarZone) and DaFool (Invasion Confirmed), which aims to bring the factions and world of C&C Generals: Zero Hour to the 2.5D engine of C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. Featuring lovingly recreated artwork, handcrafted AI, and unrivaled attention to detail, "RG" is a blast to play, both in skirmish and online through the C&CNet; Client. Using the latest game extensions like Phobos (Kerbiter, list others…) and Kratos (names of contributors…), RG can recreate game logic from Generals and Zero Hour which was previously impossible in Yuri's Revenge, such as (list a few things).

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shadowtiger! - - 7 comments

you will update it right ?

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