Retro Generals is a collaboration between Mircea (Ion Shock, WarZone) and DaFool (Invasion Confirmed), which aims to bring the factions and world of C&C Generals: Zero Hour to the 2.5D engine of C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. Featuring lovingly recreated artwork, handcrafted AI, and unrivaled attention to detail, "RG" is a blast to play, both in skirmish and online through the C&CNet; Client. Using the latest game extensions like Phobos (Kerbiter, list others…) and Kratos (names of contributors…), RG can recreate game logic from Generals and Zero Hour which was previously impossible in Yuri's Revenge, such as (list a few things).
You Thought the Mod was Over…
You Thought Wrong
While all may have been quiet on the western front, the team has been busy behind the scenes improving many aspects of Retro Generals, from the AI to the (animations/art, unit balance, new content, maps, etc?). Mircea and DaFool are proud to present this latest build.
Retro Generals is a collaboration between Mircea (Ion Shock, WarZone) and DaFool (Invasion Confirmed), which aims to bring the factions and world of C&C Generals: Zero Hour to the 2.5D engine of C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. Featuring lovingly recreated artwork, handcrafted AI, and unrivaled attention to detail, "RG" is a blast to play, both in skirmish and online through the C&CNet Client. Using the latest game extensions like Phobos (Kerbiter, list others…) and Kratos (names of contributors…), RG is able to recreate game logic from Generals and Zero Hour which was previously impossible in Yuri's Revenge, such as (list a few things).
RG released a Beta on October 23, 2023. In the seven months since the following items have been added and improved:
- Performance enhancement
- 2 New generals
- 14 new units
- New VFX
- New AI-generated voices for the units
- New secrete units
- New Mechanics
This project is still a work in progress and the release reflects that. If you encounter an error, please let us know what happened.
Well, what are you waiting for Commander?
Extract the Zip downloaded using an archive program, 7zip, WinRaR
Copy and paste these files from your copy of Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge into the extracted folder
Launch the game from YRLauncher.exe
you will update it right ?