You are Sgt James Heller, husband to a deceased wife and child and a soldier left simply to die. As the game’s all-new infected protagonist, players will experience Sgt James Heller cutting a bloody swathe through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero. Equipped with unparalleled new shapeshifting powers, players will gradually build a vast genetic arsenal of deadly new biological weapons and abilities as they hunt, kill and consume their way toward the ultimate goal – to kill…Alex…Mercer!

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Vespachi - - 38 comments

Good Game. My computer just cannot run this :(

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Reborn:X - - 3,456 comments

Newest trailer.

Looks like not all of the Blackwatch wants to kill Heller. Some appear to be eager to stand by his side aganist the infected.

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Reborn:X - - 3,456 comments

This only thing sad is this game is IMO that the military are once again nothing more then puppets who kill anyone who's not them.

Would be great if you could join their side somewhere in the game so you could openlly aid them so it wouldn't be an another revenge story.

I enjoyed using Blackwatch NCO disguise to aid military in destroying the infected. Calling arty strikes and destroying the "Mother" along with other Blackwatch operatives will quite amusing.

It's kinda sad that they won't make a prologue about the outbreak in Idaho.

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