The ultimate Star Wars experience! Create your own stories, play through Star Wars history in this Sandbox mod for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy! Create your own Galactic Legacy!

Report RSS Progress Report: May 2024

An overall status of the mod's development during the month of May 2024.

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So to get the obvious stuff out of the way, moving didn't happen. Yeah, it sucks, but that means more work on the mod was done! Yay!


Some light work was done during this month on Luke's dark side ending, the main portion of the 1st level is completed, with bug fixes and the boss encounter needing to be done. While I can't provide screenshots as it would provide spoilers, I wanted to quickly assure everyone that the level is still being worked on with the utmost care, however I would say that more time this month was spent on other necessary things for the mod.


As other parts of the mod needed some attention, work was done this month on improving the menus and the NPC Free Choice System. To start things off, we're adding a randomizer option for any customizable character so you'll have the ability to spawn a wide assortment of characters with a simple click.

This will also work for any customizable character that you add to the mod yourself, our goal is to give you, the player, additional ways to further integrate characters that we may not yet feature, so this same functionality will be added to the npc spawn console command.

npc random


Alright, we have secured some new characters! Let's list them off! All of the following (except one) were ported by DarthValeria! A huge thank you to him for his work!

  • Sith War Droid (Updated model)
  • Jaesa Willsaam
  • Nomen Karr
  • 2V-R8
  • Kreia (updated model)
  • Darth Malgus (Renegade)
  • Darth Acharon
  • Darth Vowrawn
  • Darth Ravage
  • Darth Mortis
  • Darth Hadra
  • Darth Decimus
  • Darth Baras (Updated model)
  • Darth Acharon
  • Darth Traya (Atris)


Yep, we're doing it. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace, or a glitch in the Matrix, or because we're utterly insane, Darth Jar Jar is officially coming to Galactic Legacy!

Darth Jar Jar was created from the Jedi Gungan model already featured, with additional skin work done by myself and utilizing textures from the Spanki Sith Customization pack.

darth jar jar


It's been a very interesting month but we knew we wanted to report this for you all. We hope that next month will see to more awesome news!

Until then, thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.

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XX1992 - - 108 comments

So many "Darths" in the works! Thanks for the update.

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Linken233 Author
Linken233 - - 2,322 comments

Many Darths

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Guest - - 693,883 comments

"In celebration of the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace, or a glitch in the Matrix, or because we're utterly insane..."

Or perhaps because Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy is coming on Disney+ September 13?

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Linken233 Author
Linken233 - - 2,322 comments

It did inspire it a bit, but I've been thinking about it for a while.

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PierceDoughty - - 88 comments

Jar Jar Binks is a ******* ******* he's not even worthy to be a Sith Lord sith Jar Jar Binks put player team team free enemy team team free make it Betty attacks everyone just like the Wampa.

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Linken233 Author
Linken233 - - 2,322 comments

Cool story bro

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Guest - - 693,883 comments

Ki-adi-Mundi (Tatooine):

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Linken233 Author
Linken233 - - 2,322 comments

Thank you

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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