Welcome to Project Reality: Battlefield 2 (aka PR:BF2), a modification for the retail Battlefield 2 multi-player PC game. Project Reality's aim is to create a more realistic combat environment than standard Battlefield 2, and place a greater emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. Most of the aspects of Battlefield 2 that have the capacity to be modified have been tweaked, or completely overhauled, to reflect their real life counterparts, for increased realism. Ballistics have for example also been audited to reflect those of real weapons, including characteristics such as damage, deviation and bullet drop depending on a weapon systems calibre. Since EA and DICE no longer support Battlefield 2 and is no longer being played online, the Project Reality team made PR:BF2 a standalone game. No longer is a installation of Battlefield 2 required and we have implemented our own online account system for online play.
The full PR:BF2 v1.7.4.0 client installer. It will download the installer folder as a ZIP. Please use Windows in-build zip tools, 7ZIP or Winrar to extract the installer folder before installing.
would it be possible to give us a way to increase the max bot count past the default max?
It can be achieved by editing "AIDefault.ai" file,
aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1
aiSettings.setMaxNBots 100
aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0
aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4
then you will need to editing "gpm_cq.py" file :
return int(mapDefaultTickets * (bf2.serverSettings.getTicketRatio() / 1.0))
Rember backup before you editing...
Why is the installer files (21 GB) bigger than the game directory (12 GB)?
i get black screen problem
wen i use uav or apc or tank i get black screen then wen i go out i get normal hud
What are the minimum specifications to run this mod?
the shittiest pc in 2024