Our type of “old school” is a very different breed than the type encountered in today’s “old school”. Yes, there are similarities; We too have upped the action, speed and gore, but not to the extreme lengths seen in the new Doom game. Our levels are built for exploration, progression and environmental puzzles. These are our main qualities. Phobos is closer to games like Half-Life or Dark Forces/Jedi Knight in spirit. Just like Classic Doom, these games are types of First Person Shooters that have all but vanished. We truly are a different kind of oldschool.

Report RSS Phobos - Episode 3 release

Having exploded your way deeper into the facility, the search for Calloway continues. Memories from the past prove to be as troubling as they are helpful. While facing ever increasing obstacles you must navigate the depths of the abandoned facilities of the FCE.

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It’s been almost 3½ years since the release of Episode 2, but we’re finally here!
Episode 3 has been released.
There is so much new content in the third episode and the playtime is significantly longer.
The episode spans 8 new levels exploring both Mars and the story through action and flashbacks. We had a blast making it and we hope you will enjoy playing it.

Phobos - Episode 3 v.3.0




Unpak the folder named ‘tfphobos’ into the root of your Doom 3 installation folder. If you have Episode 1 or Episode 2 installed make sure to overwrite all files. Do not rename the folder.

Read the included readme.txt for further installation instructions and solutions to known issues.

Changes notes
- Episode 3 has been added
- Added inspect item for FCE investigation paper in E1M1
- Visually upgraded inspect item system
- Added disable functionality to inspect items
- Added a way to review objectives
- New model for radio device
- New model for radio receiver
- Save game code has changed, which means all save games from version 2.0 no longer works in version 3.0
- Player no longer spams sound reaction to hitting a cushion from under 64 units
- Player shadow is now hidden during flashbacks if its turned on via config
- Added subtitles to Episode 1
- Added subtitles to Episode 2
- Added toggle option for subtitles
- Added a new mug model with UAC, FCE and neutral skin
- Updated spec map texture on FCE soldiers
- Added t-shirt FCE soldier
- Added FCE zombies
- Added Z-FCE
- Updated pointing animation for security guard in E1M1
- The player no longer drops the vanilla Doom 3 shotgun if he dies holding the FCE shotgun
- Added hardhat model
- Updated new objective popup in HUD
- Added FCE keycards
- Added FCE keycard reader
- Added a new enemy - The Baron of Hell (AKA birdman)
- Pressing the grabber button again brings you back to the weapon you had before pressing the grabber button
- Changed the look of the medkits to make them stand out more
- Added Lee jacket model in E1M4
- Added Lee t-shirt model in E1M4

Hope you enjoy Episode 3. And as always, let us know if you experience any bugs.

We could really use some help spreading the word. So please share our mod wherever you can and please leave a review here on moddb. Thanks!

Take care out there!

Post comment Comments
Gzegzolka - - 351 comments

Awesome :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Emperors_Fist - - 1,094 comments

This is amazing! Thank you so much for your work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,529 comments

Holy ****! One hell of a surprise!

Can't wait to play it!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
KenpachiCultist - - 21 comments

Is this the last episode?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
geX Author
geX - - 294 comments

Play and find out :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,889 comments


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R0ADKILL - - 1,179 comments

Great, time to replay again. Looking forward to it and congratulations. This deserves to be official expansion.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Fyshtako - - 32 comments

YESSSS, great end of month treat! Thank you so much for your hard work :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
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