AdventureTrapped in a mysterious mansion, a tiny sparrow must survive deadly encounters with horrific creatures as it desperately tries to escape and unravel the...
We're Phantom Lake Games - an indie game development company ran by The Storch Brothers; Michael and Jeremy. We're currently working on our first game SPARROW - a sci-fi horror about a bird trapped in a mysterious mansion filled with horrific creatures and dark secrets.
Trapped in a mysterious mansion, a tiny sparrow must survive deadly encounters with horrific creatures as it desperately tries to escape and unravel the...
Ignite a world of possibilities with a API for developers to add mod support to their games.
this is the group who include new features for k2000 serie from 80's serie KNIGHT RIDER
A band of unlikely modders that have nothing better to do with their time!
The Killer App Mod Team is responsible for the development of the Killer App Mod for Tron 2.0.
id Software is responsible for the Quake, Doom and Wolfenstein series of games. With flexible engines, id Software have a strong mod community
Sierra Entertianment is the division of Vivendi games famous for titles such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Empire Earth, Leisure Suit Larry, Ground...