This mod aims to turn Calradia (Warband's native world) into a fantasy one by adding several fantasy races, weapons, magic, monsters and new factions and cities. The mod is currently an open beta so there is still much to do and polish, but it is quite fun.


Quick patch to enable cleric, mage, monk, necromancer, and ranger to various troops. Adds regeneration for some super troops and bosses, and the odd lich. Lowers sound level for charged staff hits still further. Slightly loosens the criteria for a King to override the popular vote against the player receiving more land, needed mainly by necromancers.

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arthas125 - - 31 comments

are all these small patches save compatible?

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,419 comments

Yes. All the "A" series are compatible with the same save.

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Guest - - 693,889 comments

I've spent years playing 'original' Calradia Phantasy and was totally unable to play version 156 because of endless crashes. I hope that v.160 will work better as game concepts are simply fantastic.

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,419 comments

If you're really concerned, just sit it out or watch reformistTM enjoy himself. Otherwise its kind of a pointless comment. Either it IS fixed more or it IS NOT, why ask me? In my opinion, the only way tobe certain is to sit tight say 6 months or another 6 years and try it then, only when enough people have tried it first that you feel your time isnt wasted. I win, because you aren't complaining when you havent even run it recently, and youwin by having peer reviewed feedback. Win/win.

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wiseandfree - - 201 comments

Woah. What abilites will monks and Rangers have i wonder? I look forward to checking it out!

Oh. Is there anyway you can fix the dwarven arquebus Reload T pose animation?

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,419 comments

The musket reload, the crouch, and probably pistol reload animations seem to not be included with the animations file that had overhead polearm swing. I have to experiment with trying to load a second animations file that has those first then the other animations but it may end up with every last animation broken, so I was reluctant to do that quickly. It might be safer to do that with 2-3 testers quietly than put it here and risk a mutiny event (again) in public.

But having said that, maybe I PM you if I have a candidate build to try it out. I don't object to another 3-4 testers PMing me here or Taleworlds forum. Hopefully I don't need 6 years to answer, like in the past :)

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wiseandfree - - 201 comments

Oh. I did not know Wolfwere's dont have the regenerate ability. I always thought they had it.

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,419 comments

Wolfweres regenerate with patch A7.

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Guest - - 693,889 comments

Do you have to download each patch or is each one built on the last? I'm not tech savy just and old gamer.

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wiseandfree - - 201 comments

You download the main one which is Phantasy-v160-a4-r2 and patch it with the latest ones Phosphor1 puts out. So right now its A7 after a4 r2. Enjoy!

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wiseandfree - - 201 comments

Does the Masterwork Dwarven Arquebus exist?

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,419 comments

It rarely might be found during the market refresh. It isn't on the crafting table for players to make, but could rarely be at a refresh at the marketplace.

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wiseandfree - - 201 comments

Maraga saying that she wants one. But the truth is that Old Bessie was the Mastercraft all along. Why would she wanna cuck her supeior item lol.

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