This mod aims to turn Calradia (Warband's native world) into a fantasy one by adding several fantasy races, weapons, magic, monsters and new factions and cities. The mod is currently an open beta so there is still much to do and polish, but it is quite fun.


Patch fixing hangs during dialogs, removing a source of double hits, applying martial arts to tournaments, softening prejudice in same faction and reducing the chance of kings/queens refusing to grant towns to the player. Several smaller fixes as well.

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,418 comments

Patch v160_A6 is released. Directions to install:
Copy it directly into mod folder phantasy_v160 and then "extract here".

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wiseandfree - - 200 comments

Barbarian rage in tournaments. Controversial but relevant haha!

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dragonalumni - - 6 comments

I finally saw a book seller in a pub, when I click show me what you have for sale he says "of course sir", but doesn't open a trade window, rather just says, "Anything else?".

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,418 comments

it may take several tries, similar to constable selling prisoners may need 6-8 tries to get the window to open. My best guess is some of the registers needed to successfully open at the warband engine needed to be saved where they are used by routines driven by timers in the background. Later in the game the bookseller opens nicely, which is curious to me as well. In both cases the window opening is a single line of script only, and the rest is done backstage by the warband engine. I am deeply suspicious every last script line that uses registers (regxx) needs to store that register first to a named variable, then restore it after use, and hope that whatever else wanted to use it didn't fire in the brief time between store and restore at your script, which seems to run on one thread while background tasks run in other threads at the same moment. This gets ugly from there :(

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Spas1234 - - 1 comments

Hello, I am very familiar with the mod I used to play it a lot when it came out. I wanted to ask if some of the spells were removed like Greater Arcane Missile I have been looking for it in every mage tower but it seems it's gone.

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,418 comments

Missile Shower was removed some time ago as it was crashing to desktop.
There is a list of what spells exist and their requirements in Player_Handbook folder within the mod. I have it in the 4 part walkthrough documentation as well as the excel file called "Programming_guide_companion". You should browse the walkthrough looking for things changed since the old days.

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dragonalumni - - 6 comments

I took a castle after some enormous losses and save-scumming. I've got magic defense 5 but me and entire waves of troops were annihilated the moment the map spawned, 3 steps dead. That happened like 5 times no way to escape it. I'm also playing at 1/4 damage. I'm not really sure how to balance 10+ drow tower mages dropping an ice storm on spawn in, but something should be changed IMHO. The only reason I eventually took the castle is they sallied out on a second siege and I did much better there, after that I left to recruit and came back to finish the 100 or so left defending the castle. After I took the castle, I requested it be awarded to me. I have no ability to garrison troops at all as far as I can see, usually you can at least donate troops in this situation. After being given the castle I still have no ability to garrison. (I exhausted all menu options just to see if had been moved).

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,418 comments

"Town activities" (yes even at a castle) then Manage garrison then add the troops. You could next Move Troops within the Garrison exactly as shown in the 4 part walkthrough in Player_Handbook folder within the mod itself. You could have done that even before the castle was granted to you, but the ability to do it to castles you did not ask for vanishes in 24 hours. For castles pending a decision that you asked for there is about a 4 day wait, during which time you can still add to the garrison. Certainly it is there, but maybe I need more documentation. I thought the 100 or so slides in Player folder was a good start, but maybe 15% bother to read them?

I'll try to remember to update the walkthrough.

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dragonalumni - - 6 comments

With all due respect, and I mean that sincerly, the 100 plus pages of walkthoughs do not present information in a concise manner. I had consulted the players handbook quite a bit but skimmed over the lich walkthough since I don't play a lich. Going back to look at pt4, I see some informaiton about town/castle however I don't see the relevant information regarding my problem.

None of that matters though, because in fact, as far as I can see the situation was the result of a bug, as I said I exhausted all the dialogue options in the castle menu. Of course I also clicked "town". In this case, "move troops within the garrison" was an option available but "manage this castle" and "manage this garrison" was absent until I restarted my game.

I will continue to play until I get a 2nd fief to see what the situation is, if it matters that was the first fief I've captured since updating to PC2024.

Regarding the walkthough itself, almost everything you need to play this mod could be listed in a couple of pages, while stuff like romance information (pt4) is straight up vanilla warband and is a waste of time for people trying to specially learn how to play this mod. And I think asking players to read about a lich romance guide to find information about garrisons is a bit of a reach.

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Phosphor1 Author
Phosphor1 - - 1,418 comments

Fine, I see you're upset. I never had that happen to me, but I may just be lucky. The documentation could be better, yes.

Visit castle, then save game and exit, then load save game usually resets all the internal information. There may have been something glitched that neither of us see; this happens.

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