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btw someone made full polish translation of this mod :)
Anyone doing english patch???????????? Please answer :(
there is already an english patch. Use your eyes. If you're asking about a non-machine translation, you're going to be waiting a very long time. Stalker 2 will be out before the hand translation of NLC7 is complete.
screw you cyka. I don't understand it how difficult can it be to make a real translation, in all this community not one english speaking person who is fluent in russian, and could do the deed? Would take couple of days, tops.
No i'm blind i can't see machine translation... How stupid do you think i'm? Ofc i'm asking for full hand made translation. Your comment is too late i already knew that translation in progress...
There is a even a hardcore version of NLC.
duuno whats up with the addon pack but none of the files makes any changes to the mod.
1-no HUD
2-no cross hairs
3-no save anywhere
4-keyboard shortcuts for meds, bandage, rads, and water are not working.
Download link??