Experience the first-ever Half-Life 2 Beta mod in it's new shell. Remade on the Source 2013 engine, The Thing Redux tries to completely overhaul the original mod while trying to keep the original premise and setting.

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Phew, that was a long 21 day break! Couldn't rest any more though, so i had to comeback for you guys! Read more in this article!

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The break was over... and the mod is almost here!

I came here to the moddb page to announce that the mod is almost done! Yay!

Hower, as exciting as this sounds, i still have to fix some issues in the mod, like the changelevel triggers and some other stuff... apparently i suck at mapping. Haha.

I am planning to begin the playtest this evening or tomorrow, it depends on how much time i will have and what i am going to be up to. But since the summer holidays began, i think i have a lot of free time to spend on the mod!

I am going to share 2 screenshots that - i hope - won't spoil too much. I would love to keep the surprise. Here you go!

Garage (with car).



I will see you guys in a day or two! Love you all so much, byee!


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mujo70 - - 360 comments


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ModdbUserWhoLikesMD - - 12 comments

this is so hype

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