Follow the story of Kurt Hectic and his attempts to rescue Earth from an alien invasion of gigantic strip mining city-vehicles named 'Minecrawlers', that are not only removing all of earth's natural resources but are also flattening any people and cities that get in their way.
Follow the story of Kurt Hectic and his attempts to rescue Earth from an alien invasion of gigantic strip mining city-vehicles named 'Minecrawlers', that are not only removing all of earth's natural resources but are also flattening any people and cities that get in their way.
Enjoy MDK and many other great games on Desura.
This is a CD-rom from the September 1996 issue of the UK Magazine EXE, Included in this large CD are demos of Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, MDK and other games...
Follow the story of Kurt Hectic and his attempts to rescue Earth from an alien invasion of gigantic strip mining city-vehicles named 'Minecrawlers', that...
GNU/Linux version please?
I don't think the developers (If they're even still around) will make a Linux port of a 15-year old game. Although from what I hear, it runs perfectly fine on Wine.
I think the same, but they could licence a port or even open source the game. I think this would sell well today relaunched as an indie title. I may try with wine though it's sometimes a pain to configure, and they will loose a sale.
I have the original mac disk. Works like a charm. Disk is in almost perfect quality.
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Wow.... I remember this from the 90's, I used to play MDK quite a bit. :D
Quite cool to have a re-release on Desura!
I played this semi-recently, back in 2008 after you guys put it on GOG. After getting used to the controls it's great fun. It's one of my favourite games.
Thank you dude, finally found my childhood
yes))) when I was child I played version of game without saving, trying to pass each level 100x times!!! Only auto saving when level finally completed. Levels were very long as I remember)))))))) It was sweet time!!!:D
played MDK 2,not this one tho