A developer of first person shooter mods including Shogo: Ikari.

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Calradia Total War
Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms

Calradia Total War

Turn Based Strategy

As faithfully as i can, i will try to recreate calradia from Mount and Blade Warband. Swadians, Rhodoks, Vaegirs, Khegrits, Nords and Sarranids will be...

Imperium Calradium: Total War
Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms

Imperium Calradium: Total War

Turn Based Strategy

Imperium Calradium is a mod set in the world of Mount and blade: Bannerlord. Calradian Empire is torn to three factions while its neigboors grow in power...

Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms


Grand Strategy

Bigger, more refined campaign, set on continent engulfed in religious turmoil and wars of petty kingdoms.

Kadarian Civil War
Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms

Kadarian Civil War

Grand Strategy

Second, this time smaller campaining, focused on fictional conflict between three factions: Kingdom of Kadaria, Rebels and Northmen.

Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms



Randomly generated campaning map with start locations mostly fitting for cultures. Campaning is rough, its my first world generated with Aurun's Map Generator...

Shogo: Ikari

Shogo: Ikari

First Person Shooter

On foot part of shogo mod. This time you will fight as a soldier, without giant MCA, with more traditional weapons.

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Thanks for your work!

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