Check out the latest video of the Jefferies Project! Through a collaboration with Glowstick, we invite you to try a free limited-access preview of the Jefferies Project's video game using Unreal Engine 5. This new video game concept will combine the freedom of a sandbox game with the immersion of Virtual Reality (VR) or first-person to create a compelling spaceship exploration experience. Players will be part of the crew in a highly interactive spaceship environment as they set forth to explore procedurally generated planets across the universe. We are rolling out this free trial of the Jefferies Project Enjoy access to the exterior area of the dry dock to see up close the beautiful details on the ship's exterior shell. You'll also be able to access specific rooms in the interior lower hull level of the ship. Explore additional rooms as we expand access to the saucer level, including the hangar bay and the bridge.

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Check out the latest video of the Jefferies Project! Through a collaboration with Glowstick, we invite you to try a free limited-access preview of the Jefferies Project's video game using Unreal Engine 5.

Jefferies Project Gameplay images

We are rolling out this free trial of the Jefferies Project Enjoy access to the exterior area of the dry dock to see up close the beautiful details on the ship's exterior shell. You'll also be able to access specific rooms in the interior lower hull level of the ship. Explore additional rooms as we expand access to the saucer level, including the hangar bay and the bridge.

Feel free to explore the Glowstick tools to play with your favorite weather mood (sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, etc.) and time of day (sunrise, afternoon, sunset, nighttime, etc.) and a number of cinematic tools that enable you to quickly export high-quality videos and photos of your favorite areas of the Jefferies project.

Have fun!! Glowstick is available on Steam or as a direct download on your PC More information at:

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