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Tiberium Chaos

Mod review by FallenCheese Agree Disagree

Good mod


Napoleonic & Victorian Era Chapters (1792-1853)

Mod review by captain_pickeet Agree Disagree

some mods are shown on the main menu but some good mods are never released and some mods are never fixed but mods that are available are pro


Military Duty

Mod review by agreenman Agree Disagree

Man that intro was bad. Clearly effort was put into the voice lines, but the timing was off and it dragged way too long. After minutes of pointless banter, sarge leans in and starts to tell us why we're here and... it's over. I'm on the ground. OK.

I love hated the crowbar-less intro. This game reminds you how important the crowbar truly is, in case you've forgotten. Never thought I'd be at a point where I have the pistol/SMG/shotgun and desperately want a melee weapon.

Bro that security guard said "aim for the head" just as I blasted a magnum round through his skull. Comedy.

Inconsistent interactability. I spend 2 minutes frantically bashing the half-open door wondering if my game is bugged, then the very next scene you present me with another half-open door, except this time I can break it open. Why. Sometimes boxes break, sometimes they don't. Only one way to find out... sigh.

Pretty good scripting. I quite enjoyed watching that full battle play out between HECU, Black Ops, Blue Shift, and Xen.

Game got super hard near the middle with the romp through Xen. Almost no health or ammo given this entire segment. I was left fighting the Gonarch with the electric thing and those vomit balls. Kinda exhilarating. Definitely has a sinusoidal difficulty that starts low, graduates into high, then back low. Actually feels intentional and definitely suits the mood. Survival horror kicks in and you start to panic. I did say I beat the Gonarch. I had to dig deep and fight it with unconventional weapons, but hey, it builds character.

This mod has a sick sense of humor when it comes to giving you ammunition for weapons you don't have.

Ah, this is exactly what I expected the ending to be. Just as bad as the intro. Low quality mics and buzzing choppers in the background make it hard to hear what's being said, and it just ends up being a rambling wrap up to quickly tidy this one up and put a bow onto it.

Still, that was a pretty thrilling combat finale. This mod has a way with creating vast, chaotic arenas with scores of enemies that don't feel unfair. Good use of allies to make it seem more like a war and not a one man power trip. It was a lot of fun and didn't punish the player for taking risks.

Just ignore the acting and plot like most mods and enjoy the gameplay.



Mod review by agreenman Agree Disagree

Wow, this one flew under the radar. Only from 2012, but feels like a "new school" HL mod. Modernized look and feel with lots of detail.

Scripting is a bit janky. I had already discovered the alternate path at the beginning before the game prompted me to look for it. And even then, it was a dead end and I was able to just jump through the wreckage. Not sure what the author was going for here, but it didn't work. And then the "All units: retreat!" just as the mission is starting. What? Ugh, then the osprey just sitting there waiting to die. I see what the author was going for, but it just plays out awkwardly.

The outdoor kinda sewer area was very HL2-esque. Nicely done.

Environments at the start were a bit bland in general, which is unfortunate. Needed more props to hide that ugly rock texture, but there's not a whole lot you can do when the starting textures are so bad. Seems like the author struggled to figure out how to start the mod, leading to it feeling like an afterthought.

Inside was great. Detailed and thought-out, though there were a few Doom-esque low res textures that stuck out. Most rooms feel carefully crafted, down to the bathrooms with working toilets and sinks.

Poorly optimized and kind of buggy. Hard a hard time getting passed the Vortigaunt whiteout at the end. I think I kept dying after shooting the sample because it worked fine with godmode.

Highly atmospheric with long stretches of HL2 type downtime.

Game feels more like Half-Life 2 than Half-Life. Even the bathrooms make me yearn for the gravity gun.

These maps are huge! Backtracking is never fun, but Focalpoint does an excellent job "bringing it back" without you even realizing it. It's cool to look down and see the vertical progress you've made. Really gives a sense of scale and context to the map. Feels like a real place, rather than a random maze of corridors.

That said, environmentally speaking there were a few nonsensical areas that felt too random or too claustrophobic. Tight, angular architecture with low quality textures made this feel a little tiring at times, though well-meaning.

I loved revisiting the antimass spectrometer chamber! This time we're presented with a slightly annoying-to-traverse area that does an excellent job expanding on the sheer size and scale of this thing's power source. This is an incomprehensibly powerful device.

Great job integrating the Xen infestation within Black Mesa's walls. Doesn't just feel like a regular room with some flora sprinkled about. No, we've got the entire west wall a gaping maw with spooky tendrils emanating forth, crashing through windows and digging into the walls. Does this so much better than Half-Life ever did.

Keycard fetch quest got annoying. Give me Half-Life, not endless sprinting back and forth. And goddamn, why does the lift take so long?! God it's so boring and then the doors finally open and you're on STORAGE instead of SERVICE because the game put the buttons so close together that it screws it up when you're up close. Take a step back and goddamnit out of range. Ok crouch walk forward just close enough BUT NOT TOO CLOSE. Sensible gameplay, especially with how often the player gets stuck at the end of an elevator ride. It's such an art in Half-Life games to perfectly position yourself on moving objects to avoid getting jammed up on some ****.

I wish there was more human combat. Security guards were tanks, but boring. Assassins weren't used nearly enough, and where were the Black Ops? Not enough combat in general.

bro this is the most dangerous tram of all time. No safety rails or anything. Just don't look down! But that finale?! omg. So unrealistic, but makes for some great cinema.

lol at the scienceman telling me I'm good to hop down into the antimass spectrometer because my combat fatigues will protect me from the radiation. Yeah sure guy.

Focalpoint is a great mod with high production values. Perhaps a bit ambitious at times with a touch of tedium, but overall it was a fresh, enjoyable experience packed with good visuals and competent mapping.

All the mod is marvelous, the Nine score is because the muzzle flashes are a bit simple, just a png flash image that contrast with all the great quality of the mod


Half-Life: Sum

Mod review by bohorat Agree Disagree

Simply amazing. I enjoyed playing it. I found this mod by sheer luck while browsing moddb recent updated mods. The mod's picture caught my attention and thank goodness it did.

Really atmospheric and has a surreal vibe. The attention of details - especially around the office areas and apartment - is really great as well. All textures blend well with other HL ones and doesn't feel out of place or playing a different game, at least for me. I also love those homage to classic games, especially silent hill 4 which is my favorite SH.

I played this mod with xash3d and texture filtering off.


Doom 3: Phobos

Mod review by G_Sergeant Agree Disagree

I don't like the centered pistol, it looks like the game is forcing aiming down sight on me whenever I switch to it eventhough I don't need it yet, other than that this is the best Doom 3 mod I've ever played.



Mod review by realstarrichceo Agree Disagree

Very good. Stellar decoration, effectively spooky narrative, and skull-crushing difficulty.


Painkiller Reloverdose

Mod review by TranZit Agree Disagree

Я тестировал мод и помогал автору в разработке, так что я провёл в Reloverdose довольно много времени и могу сказать, что это очень крутая вещь!

Автор проделал огромную работу по переработке аддона Overdose. Геймплей ощущается намного лучше и бодрее, баланс игры один из лучших в серии, оружие очень приятно даже просто держать в руках, новые анимации радуют глаз, а секреты... В ванилле секреты были... они просто были. И мало. Всё. Здесь же было добавлено несколько десятков секретов, некоторые из которых довольно нетипичны для Painkiller — они могут улыбнуть или даже рассмешить (с одного такого я долго смеялся). В целом атмосфера юмора и веселья возведена в абсолют, что идеально соответствует Overdose с его яркими и живописными локациями и шуточками Белиала.

Кроме глобальных изменений мод пополнился и более мелкими, но приятными и не менее важными особенностями, как например кнопка выбора последнего оружия или отдача. Всё это в совокупности даёт уникальный игровой опыт.

Конечно, не обошлось из без минусов. Лично я ощущал острую нехватку боеприпасов на первых уровнях, а также не везде замена музыки была удачной, но первое можно исправить, а второе — вкусовщина. В любом случае Reloverdose это прекрасный мод, который точно заслуживает вашего внимания, особенно если вы хотите увидеть что-то новенькое от мира модификаций для Painkiller.


Slenderman's Shadow

Game review may contain spoilers by HansVoide2005 Agree Disagree

Probably an iconic Slender Man horror game, the only problem is that in the unity version there are so many bugs compared to the FPS engine versions.


Realism Invictus

Mod review by AetherMagnate Agree Disagree

Intricate but entertainingly digestible mod for the game.


Delta Particles

Mod review by Gorth84 Agree Disagree

One word, fantastic. Almost like full lenght game.
For all HL fans, this is a must play :)


Raising the Bar: Redux

Early access mod review by soomiesoom Agree Disagree

Great use of creativity and inspiration from the beta for a unique and modern experience.


CALL OF DOOM: TARKOV - CoD/EFT Style Advanced Weapon MOD

Mod review by fyodortsepelev12 Agree Disagree

Such a Realistic mod that i've been waiting for 10 months!


Tsardoms Total War

Mod review by Elbarto13 Agree Disagree

It's simply great. The mod team in still working on a last grand mod that unites the first and late campaigns. If they achieve that, it will be for sure the greatest mod for the game imho.


FakeFactory Cinematic Mod

Mod review by G_Sergeant Agree Disagree

Most off putting thing about this is how some of those female rebel and female citizen models wear make up, like how do they even have time for that. but I guess the point was to turn it into a somewhat different experience? it doesn't fit Half-Life 2's setting. other than that I really like most of the other changes especially the map changes, some of the other character models look fine actually, especially the new metrocop and barney models.


HN Abandoned

Mod review by MrPeterson Agree Disagree

Cool mod with good puzzles, but neighbor was glitchy and he just jumping on wall.


Postal: Classic and Uncut

Game review by FramptonPhenix Agree Disagree

The game that started it all. The first game is much darker than the comedic sequel. I recommend playing Redux over the original, but it's still good. Plus, it's free! Download it right away and prepare to be plunged into madness.


x4 Texture Upscale for Doom 3

Mod review by duffman2222 Agree Disagree

Well done!


Doom 3 Enhanced Edition - D3EE

Mod review by duffman2222 Agree Disagree

best UI (in my opinion) for this game