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Kane's Wrath II (Upcoming)

Mod review by FallenCheese Agree Disagree

Don't let negative comment take you



Mod review by agreenman Agree Disagree

Starts with a bang. I don't remember OG Half-Life hitting me this hard with Grunts and Vorts.

Tutorializes just like Half-Life! Laser door and the headcrab, for example.

Perplexing puzzles and precarious platforming. Although the box puzzle with the rising water was annoying. The physics are just way too janky for long periods of time. No need to put the boxes so far away behind a tedious maze of friction and frustration. Would've been cool to drown the Gargantua, but no shot you're getting those boxes from A to B without a little vaporization in between.

The robot loader puzzle was pretty tedious, especially with the trapdoors constantly sending you to the bottom, serving no purpose other than to waste your time.

Oh but the sub "tram ride" sequence was a lot of fun! I like that the welder(?) controls were introduced in the sunk sub first. Makes the inevitable chaos more manageable.

I love how the HECU so politely call me "mister".

A great Half-Life expansion. A bit tough with some tedious puzzles, but overall an advanced addition to the main game that was fun to play.


Hei Naapuri REMAKE

Mod review by hm/Fierr Agree Disagree

this mod is good overall but stolen assets sucks


Wind of Time

Mod review by Chymo_ Agree Disagree

Really nice mod with cool story, nice new concepts, amazing world building and great sidequests. Sadly there are sometimes unexpected crashes and oversights that make playing it a less pleasant experience. Still a good mod.


ZoneExpanded - Road To The North

Mod review by Chymo_ Agree Disagree

Likely the best story mod built on CoM you will get. Story is pretty decend and has multiple ways for you to do stuff, thanks to that the playthrough will rarely be the same. Some aspects like artifact hunring arent really anjoyable but its still a very good mod overall.


Goldsphere: Completion

Mod review by Chymo_ Agree Disagree

Overall good mod, has lot of content, interestingstory, nice sidequests and requires you to think instead of just running from point to point mindlessly
Has some flaws but those arent anything you couldnt get over


Thorny Way - (Translated)ㅤ

Mod review by Diego0920 Agree Disagree

Pretty cool mod. Overall score: 7.7

Gameplay leans towards the easier side. The Pripyat sequence was pretty cool. Ending is abrupt but hinting at a sequel. Anomalies are deadly. A few quests are a bit buggy.

The worst one in particular was the medic supplies quest in Yanov which introduces heavy stuttering unless you complete it (Don't know why). The other one was the quest in the room with the big railgun which makes the lab entrance door get closed again if you quicksave inside it.

Also the only way to get one batery artifact was to sleep the maximum hours 4 times just to make it spawn around the electro anomalies.

I like the implementation of BF3 gun sounds. The mossberg shotgun has a weird delay before firing.


The River - A Doom Railshooter

Mod review by therealpizzagirl Agree Disagree

Okay, so I don't even like rail shooters, at all honestly. However this is fairly entertaining and extremely pleasing from an aesthetical viewpoint!! Very well made :D


Short Story: Intruders + English Translation

Mod review by PsyWarVeteran Agree Disagree

While this has the best stealth gameplay I've seen done on STALKER, it's only that, a nice stealth section and not much more. This is definitely not a 2-3 hour story like the description says.

It has two chapters. The first is nothing special, you starts in a slightly modified container warehouse from CoP, you walk in, grab some papers, kill three Bandits and that's it, five to ten minute gameplay tops, if you explore the tiny, tiny area you are allowed to move that is.

The second chapter is where the mod really shines. You start in a nicely modified Army Warehouses village, meet with a stalker there and go underground through some sewers to the Freedom (now Mercenary) base. This is where you start your stealth mission and everything about it is great. Once you collect all necessary info, you leave the base, have a lengthy conversation with your partner and that's it, mod's over.

Now, there are some cool moments sprinkled in the houses which actually change the ending, but I will not spoil anything about those. All I can say is even if you love looking around and explore each and every area, the playtime would still be less than an hour. They weren't kidding when they called it "Short Story."

Overall, the mod is definitely worth playing, but you're going to leave this table hungry. The developer should create a full fledged, long story mod in the future. Because what we have here already, the maps, the voice acting, scripting etc. is too good to never be utilized again.


Beautiful Doom (GZDoom)

Mod review by Quad_Damage Agree Disagree

Definitely play it! Doom in its "original form" but really good! Gameplay is super cool, idea is super cool, beautiful Doom as well. A few more different sprites for items etc. would be the icing on the cake. Thanks!


The Silver Key [Collapsing Cosmos]

Mod review by frieman4993 Agree Disagree

A great Lovecraftian tale! Really good mapping and atmosphere with some surreal geometry and dread-inducing layouts. The library was a bit samey-looking with lack of clear direction so I got stuck until I saw what to do in a video walkthrough (Thanks amnesiaPUZZLES!). Other than that and some janky level geometry that was tricky to get over sometimes, I very much enjoyed this!


Slender: The Eight Pages

Game review by HansVoide2005 Agree Disagree

Ngl, even being a very simple ordinary game, we have to agree that this dude opened doors for indie horror back in the day, even with simple graphics and simple mechanics this game still have a good atmosphere.

And we have to remember that, this is not a Horror Game, but a Horror Experience, like that SCP Games and Imscared from 2012


Brutal Doom

Mod review by LizzyShootsDemons Agree Disagree

A Very Fun Mod But It Has A Few Too Many Weapons..


Report: Upgrade Edition

Mod review by 23-down Agree Disagree

Review for Upgrade Edition:

Game play wise this mod is ok but not spectacular. To often we face the same enemies over and over again. Mostly Zombies and headcrabs and later on reskinned Grunts portrayed as Black Ops. There's a Story but it's rather confusing due to broken English.

Story: Apparently this plays before the famous Resonance Cascade Gordon Freeman caused yet we witness another Cascade although a minor one on it's scale. At the same time some shadow Organization known as Black Hawk infiltrates Black Mesa and is also responsible for various sabotage acts within the facility and even on an outpost on Xen.

We as protagonist now try to eliminate the threat and even receive some aid from allied HECU Grunts & Security guards along the way. Our primary goal seems to destroy the Crystals that keep yet another rift between Earth & XEN open.

+Lengthy play time.

+Voice Acting and in game texts in very broken English but still better than getting nothing at all. So thanks to the Russian author thinking on the international audiences.

+Custom notes and lap tops to interact with portraying more of the Story line.

+Classic old school mapping and game play It felt very reminiscent to mods of the early 2000s.


-At times terrible level transitions

-Plot refers to events 5 years prior. Unless I missed a mod from this author I had no idea what they were talking about.

-Both texts and voice acting are so broken. I had a really hard time understanding what was even meant.

-Mediocre mapping throughout the mod. Still a whole lot better than most 1st time releases out there.

If proper texts and voices were permitted I'd enhance my score to 9 of 10.

Review for Operation alive:

Much smoother maps and game play await in this one. While the maps are an improvement over upgrade Edition maps the npc scripting and ambience audio aspects are still on a far inferior level throughout. Sadly this mod is also rather short compared to upgrade edition and more of a minor map pack. I required like 35 minutes to play through the pack.

Story: You play a soldier & must link up with one of your fellow squads to obtain some vital documents. Once achieved try to get the hell outta Black Mesa and evacuate any BMRF survivors you may encounter and your fellow grunts.


Return to the Zone English Translation

Mod review may contain spoilers by Diego0920 Agree Disagree

Pretty lengthy and packed mod. Overall score: 7.7


Adventure: 7.5

The biggest problem I remember is the invincible assassin that constantly spawns in to wreck your sh*t. It would be far better if he teleported away after receiving enough damage but he runs away after one bullet and you have to wait for him to go back at least 2 times. It's made worse by the instakill monoliths in Jupiter which are also complete bs. Also tending to the MC's drinking problem can be a huge pain.

Journey: 7.7

Earlier into this one I ran into an infinite spawn bug (?). The enemies also don't stop spawning at times and there's little cover most of the time.

Memories: 6.9

Huge performance problems. Grass density for some reason reactivates itself causing more fps drops.

Survival: 7.4

Pretty interesting take on a Battle Royale mode. Unfortunately it's pretty janky and frustrating at times. Food and weapon drops with correct ammo should be guaranteed. I'd rather see more armed enemies with better loot than knifers and kamikazes. Only half of vehicles are drivable. Sometimes it crashes after successfully completing a mission. Etc.

Tolik's story: 7.8

Surprisingly good sidestory. Got no big issues with it but might be easy to miss for most.


This could potentially earn a higher score with better design in some areas but it's a pretty good package despite the flaws.

The decision to enable sprint on enemies can lead to cheap deaths. There are some bugs and exploits like getting high end armor upgrades with only 1 vodka in Memories or getting infinite money by buying and selling upgrades after a quest in Adventure. Objectives are sometimes easy to miss.

As for the story it's pretty good but tends to drop a lot of walls upon walls of text of seemingly unrelated nature. Mostly towards the latter campaigns.

In design, however, the campaigns keep a pretty varied structure enough to spice things up a bit. The anomalous weapons and special artifacts in each pretty great.


RTCW Venom Mod

Mod review by BraziI Agree Disagree

Excellent mod. High quality textures are fitting and amazing, especially the new effects. Only issue it is the new difficulty, some enemies have stupidly high health, and tesla gun, flamethrower, panzerfaust needs damage buff. I recommend you to check this mod but if you are gonna play it, use knightmare patch 1.42 because of its new 48 hz audio support, but rtcw adds and autoexec confing that makes the audio quality set to 22 hz whenever you open the game. Make sure to delete that line in the file.


They Bleed Pixels

Game review by Thexder Agree Disagree

On my 3rd level on Standard Difficulty, I figured this game was too hard for my old bones. But once I switched to Novice, I actually started to have fun; the game still requires some hard moves, but now there are so many checkpoints, you feel you are facing only one challenge at a time. I was still missing too many tricky double jumps, but a little persistence got me to "The End?".

Thing is, the game has directional controls, a "jump" button and an "action" button -- that's it. The action button may attack, or dash, or dash-attack, or kick to the side, or kick upwards, or kick-flip a switch, all depending on how long you hold the button AND what direction you are going. At first, I cursed this design, often trying to attack an enemy but instead dashing towards deadly spikes... But going into "Novice", I learned to appreciate its elegance -- once you get used to the controls, you barely move your fingers around, and the game gets into a nice flow of its own. I imagine that good players will be able to pull amazing sequences on Standard, thanks to this.

Also, the pixel art between levels is lovely, cute and creepy all at once. The cutscenes manage to tell the (simple) story with nearly no words.

Pity that the game seems to lock one whole chapter and some sort of true ending behind the Standard difficulty (on Novice, the last screen literally said "The End?")... but that's a reward for players more skilled than me. :D

Anyway, a fun platformer, even if quite hard. Score: 76/100.


Under the Black Moon

Mod review by agreenman Agree Disagree

Really makes sure you picked up that PCV vest lmao. Pitch black platforming'll do it.

Lots of long, sparsely-populated hallways. Level design was occasionally confusing and exhausting.

Black Ops combat is brutal. You gotta be quick and good at duck & cover. Can't tank 'em at all.

But man I don't know about pushing the box down that sewer river. Not exactly intuitive, and more frustrating than anything with the constant bobbing up and down getting potshotted by homing hornets. There's nowhere to hide. All the while the handrails are irritating the **** out of me because I can't get a shot off. Cherry on top? No health anywhere to be found. Good luck.

Yo this **** got hard at points. That Gargantua showdown was thrilling, but tough. Reminded me of Gonarch.

Encourages use of your full arsenal by limiting ammo. You've got a lot of guns, but can't use them all at the same time. You start to develop combos. It's harder, but an interesting way to adjust difficulty that doesn't feel unfair. No, you just have to get creative.

Not much of a plot, but doesn't really need it. Gameplay is more than enough to keep this mod exciting, though it may feel unforgiving at times.

Some decent length here. Took me several hours to complete, which is far more than the "mappack" tag implies. Hopefully somebody smarter than me can package this into a mod format so it's easier to install, because it deserves far more attention.


Borgerkrigen 1157 (The Danish Civil War 1157)

Mod review by Matt2010 Agree Disagree

hello! very good mod light as native, new map, naval battles, new and beautiful cities.
new colorful clothes, new food roast chicken and a new weapon: the double axe.
Thanks a lot !!


HoodWar V 1.0

Mod review by Serious-Vadim Agree Disagree
