Domanda per il programma Zello per i Primi Soccorritori

Tutte le organizzazioni di primo soccorso che soddisfano i requisiti hanno diritto a ricevere gratuitamente la soluzione cloud completa di livello aziendale di Zello.

A causa dell’elevato interesse, il processo di domanda sta impiegando alcune settimane. Ti risponderemo nel più breve tempo possibile.

Per accelerare il processo: Se non hai una rete esistente, crea una prova prima di compilare la domanda.


Do you already have a Zello Work network?

✅ YES, I already have a Zello Work network. Enter the network name below:

⛔ NO, I don't have a Zello Work network already. Click here to create one first.

Contact Information

Please provide some details about yourself and your department. Please note that applications need to originate from the eligible organization itself. Application received from third-parties, consultants, and other solution provides will be denied.

Organization/Department Info

Please provide some details about your organization/department.

Background Information

Please share with us why you want to use Zello and how you think it can help your organization/department.


This program is available to First Responders: Firefighters (career and volunteer), Police, Sheriff's Office (emergency personnel only), and State Troopers, Search & Rescue, Ambulance (emergency transport only) - EMT and Paramedics.

This program is NOT available to non-emergency medical transport companies or non-emergency government agencies, although we will make exceptions and grant access to some organizations on a temporary basis at Zello's sole discretion.

Network Administration

Each participant will be required to identify one or more “Zello Admin” within your organization/department. The Zello Admin will be responsible for Tier-1 support for all first responders within a network. All questions about Zello from users will be required to flow first to the Zello Admin.

The Zello Admin will be provided with means to reach Tier-2 support for escalation purposes if they are not able to assist the user themselves.

Network Configuration

Agreement Acceptance