The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


I hated the mutant footstep sounds, so I replaced them. Also includes a DLTX file to silence rat footsteps.

Improved Mutant Footsteps 1.5
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NewbieRus - - 734 comments

у всех мутантов такой звук?

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Not all mutants, only the ones which use the "medium" mutant sounds. Psuedogiants and such have a set of larger footstep sounds. I am about to upload a new version which sets bipedal mutants (zombies, bloodsuckers, etc) to use human footsteps also.

Please make sure to get the new version, especially if you use FOOTSIES mod.

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WhiteStalker - - 1 comments

Какие моды на Body Health System? как на видео

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Body Health System Realism Overhaul

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TheTazDJ - - 284 comments

Well it's something I thought about doing for a while but never actually done. Glad someone took the initiative to do it. Would love to see if you managed to make different sounds for medium and big size mutants
nonetheless it's a great edit for the game, it will definitely change the experience
thank you

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Literally took less than an hour haha. I was thinking about adding some large and small footsteps, to have some slightly different sounds for tushankos and chimeras. I might try to do that next week when I'm off work again.

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TomasaurusREKT - - 358 comments

Such an improvement. Thank you.

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TomasaurusREKT - - 358 comments

Pretty sure he's just using Enhanced GUI for everyone asking about his HUD, it's a great mod highly recommend it! If you're using GAMMA make sure to disable the "No old ammo in wheel" mod or your Companion Wheel will be a solid blue.

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aorushome - - 224 comments

Hey man, nice work, you forgot to fix the ogg errors, here:

Here the tool (SAVandT) for further selfhelp:

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Thank you. What was the problem? Just printing errors to console?

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aorushome - - 224 comments

yep and maybe npc behaviour due to missing or wrong sound settings. An NPC hearing mutant steps over long range like a rifle shot for example.

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Gotcha I'm about to upload the new version with a DLTX fix to make sure Footsies is also compatible.

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Vebic - - 58 comments

basically the main issue (in theory) will be the console being spammed with error logs.

absolute worse case scenario it just breaks some minor **** with the Alife/if you don't give the sound proper properties, like how far it can be heard, how loud it is, etc then the game will assign default values which again depending on what it is, that will be perfectly fine or could just bust stuff up / lead to some weird minor bugs.

Like i don't worry too much about .ogg comments if its music but any sort of sound coming from an NPC in game, whether it be shooting, walking, dying, etc should have proper ogg comments just to be safe and avoid those potential issues : p

if you're unsure of what to set it to i'd go look at the vanilla sound files and just copy there settings/comments

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Just checked, had to update the comments to be the same as vanilla sounds.

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Сер-Оругу - - 168 comments

Really love your work, but can i have a small request? Can you add the volatile footstep sound from dying light for bloodsucker or chimera? I played dying light once and the volatile footstep sound really scary

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

If you can provide a high quality sound file, then I can try. Only issue is that it seems I am not able to make any custom footstep types without crashing the game. So I will have to see if there are any available material types to use.

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Сер-Оругу - - 168 comments

Took me a quite long time but i finally managed to get the sound effect. But the problem is i don't know where to send you. Let me know if i can send you somehow. Thank you again

edit: on second thought, i think the sound will suit chimera perfectly since bloodsucker only make their breathing noises while camouflaging instead of running and making heavy footstep sounds

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

You can just upload it to Google drive or something and past a link here if you want

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Сер-Оругу - - 168 comments

ok, i will send you through dm

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Teseo - - 57 comments

Is, let say, 'technically', better to put it before or after Footsies?

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

It must be loaded after footsies or else footsies will overwrite the new footstep sounds.

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Teseo - - 57 comments

Yes, in fact, as I thought. Footsies is an important mod (not hearing a mutant or NPC running 3, 4 mt. away was disheartening), however the sound of its footsteps is really not very seductive (that's a euphemism ^^); if your mod improves them as it seems this mod becomes a absolute must have of the game ^^

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SalamanderAnder Author
SalamanderAnder - - 57 comments

Frankly I'm surprised nobody has done this already, at least I couldn't find anything like this on moddb. It only took me like, 2 hours of work. I'm sure someone more experienced in sound design could do even better but I'm pretty happy with how these sound.

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oozish - - 352 comments

Is this compatible with TBs angry chimera growls?

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