Third Person ShooterSet in the late 1920s and early 1930s – the Prohibition and Great Depression era. You take the part of The Stranger (voiced by Lynn Mathis), an operative...
Hunting Grounds is a passion project inspired by such classics of the horror genre as Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Cry of Fear. Set in a world, renewed by an unknown cataclysm that changed it's face and rules, attempting to adapt to the rules of the past, where some chose to embrace the rules of nature, rather than the rules of society. Survive the attacks of the primal secret cult, unveil their secrets and put an end to their doings.
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Set in the late 1920s and early 1930s – the Prohibition and Great Depression era. You take the part of The Stranger (voiced by Lynn Mathis), an operative...
You've received a worrisome letter from your brother with a very strange item enclosed. Fearing the worst, you immediately board a train and arrive in...
Set seventeen years after the events of Silent Hill in which Harry Mason defeats the god of the town cult and was given a baby girl to care for... Heather...
Returns redefined for PC complete with high quality HD visuals, enhanced lighting effects and an immersive sound experience. This latest version of Resident...
The World has learned the meaning of terror. A decade after the events of Raccoon City, the evil Umbrella corporation has been destroyed, but the effects...
Spectral is a game in which you have to survive waves of enemies in the forest map and defend the helicopter in the desert.
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