Half-cube is an AssaultCube HUD/GUI modification aimed at mimicking Half-Life's HUD. It is not an exact copy, but it gives the essence of Half-Life to the AssaultCube HUD.
[ Half-Cube - Half-Life HUD essence for AssaultCube ]
[ Info ]
Author: ItsZariep
Email: Not available
Version: 1.0
Half-cube is an AssaultCube HUD/GUI modification aimed at mimicking Half-Life's HUD. It is not an exact copy, but it gives the essence of Half-Life to the AssaultCube HUD.
In Half-Cube, teams are Black Mesa (CLA, red) vs HECU (RVSF, blue).
[ How to install ]
Like any mod, put the zip file in "mods" folder and activate it in Settings -> Mod package settings
[ Included ]
└── misc
├── chars_default.png
├── chars_default.xcf
├── compass-base.png
├── compass-rose-opaqe.png
├── compass-rose.png
├── ctficons.png
├── hecu.png
├── htficons.png
├── huddigits-opaqe.png
├── huddigits.png
├── items.png
├── ktficons.png
├── markers.png
├── menu.jpg
├── mesa.png
├── radaroverlays.png
├── scope-transparent.png
├── scope.png
├── startscreen.png
├── teamicons.png
├── teams.png
└── voteicons.png
1 directories, 22 files