Hmmm something like Warhammer universe 40k, Diablo, Warcraft. ( Yust realy like fantasy )
And to what am i listening PUnK, Rock, Metal and finely SKA
so and i truly love all kinds of Comic Books like Aliens, The Thing from another world, Warcraft Comics, Heavy Metal comics and Gipsy from Marini and Smolderen ( who whought French can do a realy good comics ) and the WORLDS BEST ANIME/MANGA ====BERSERK==== there is nothing better than that

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Opa Cupa

GypsyBastard Blog 4 comments

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,710 comments

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

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deleted10101 - - 7,259 comments

Hi Gypsy

Why are you so shy and not socializing much ? Please talk with me sometimes (:
Do you have a girlfriend Gypsy ? Is your avatar representing M'aiq the Liar ( a Khajit ) from the Elder Scrolls games ?

You can answer these , then ask me some in turn and we end up socializing
Fun isn't it


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deleted10101 - - 7,259 comments

Šťastný nový rok Gypsy !

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deleted10101 - - 7,259 comments

Hi !

I hope you are fine Gypsy
Is been a while since i visited my friends

I wish you well

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,710 comments

So tell me GypsyBastard, what do you like about this website the most?

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,710 comments

✮✬✯ Happy New Year 2016! GypsyBastard ( ) ✯✬✮

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,710 comments

❄ Merry Christmas! GypsyBastard ( ) ❄

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deleted10101 - - 7,259 comments

Merry Christmas GypsyBastard , to you and all the Czech Republic

May you have happy winter holidays , may your caravan travels be always full of adventure , song and fortune

Maybe we'll share a word or two sometime if you want because you are awefully quiet

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deleted10101 - - 7,259 comments

Hi GypsyBastard !

I like your style and your avatar reminds me of M'aiq the Liar from the Elder Scrolls.I like him a lot.
Can we be friends if you want ?

A gypsy song for you maybe you'll like

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illicitSoul - - 6,282 comments

Mary Jose awaits ya ;3

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