Group for the Developers of Gundam RTS Setting up a group as groups are needed for anyone to edit gundam. May be useful when recruiting later.
No games, mods, engines, software or hardware appear to be published or in development by Gundam RTS Development Group. We suggest you add games, mods, engines and hardware you are developing here (or update existing games, mods, engines and hardware on the site which should be linked with this Developer & Publisher).
If this profile is not used to publish or develop games, mods, engines, software or hardware we recommend you contact us and we will move it to the groups section and this page will display a blog instead.
Why does this group keep popping up in the popular groups tab?
Just a heads up for people who comeby, TAUniverse file archive has the latest Gundam Annihilation mod.
Hi, could anyone please upload and post the link for the lastes version of Gundam RTS for me ?
Or is it prohibitted by the developpers ?
It isn't prohibited. It has been shut down due to maintenance.
I highly enjoy the game, thank you and the others who developed it. I want to say that I have always been disppointed that there has never been a gundam rts given how the series keeps being redone(the originals aren't really my favorites but i recognize that the redone ones are the originals literally redone)
I have experienced a number of issues, but thats at least partly due to the fact that I'm using a wine wrapped copy of spring. I just have one question, is the other side supposed to have eternal respawning elevators? I keep ending have to post units at the locations and sometimes the enemy spawns even when elevator is destroyed. The only real problem I have is that sometimes one the enemy units occasionally becomes untargetable if the game drags on, essentially becoming invulnerable. The only way I have found to stop it is to bury it with wrecks, preventing it from moving. Usually it destroys the command center before that happens though. If you fixed this already sorry, I haven't updated in a year, and sorry if you didn;t want this posted here. Again, thanks for all your effort.
try bombers on the unit which has buried it's self in wreckage. I will investigate the still spawning after an elevator has died issue.
Hey guuys howcome it dosen't work:(
have to give more details than that mate!
havent tried de game:S
Thanks to you Im a very happy gamer your the best man.