Got inspired by that Europe - Ancient mod, so I've gone and decided to create a Barbarian Invasion mod, innit.

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Late Game Campaing

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Hello lads!More V1.5 news.

During the development of version 1.5, I decided to include an extra campaign: the Age of Justinian Campaign.

This campaign is set to commence in 530 AD and will offer a semi-historical experience with carefully integrated fantasy elements, such as the presence of remnants of West Rome scattered across various islands.

Take a look at the starting map for this new campaign!(Work In Progress)


All factions except rebels will be playable.

During this campaign and in the late game of the main campaign, you will use different unit rosters for factions. These unit rosters will be updated as follows:




As you can see, some factions will receive a lot of new units, while others will receive only a few(All screenshots of the new units are available in the Images section).

Additionally, as a late-game invasion, I plan to introduce the Arabic invasion and the Arab Caliphate faction.

More updates will be coming soon.

Late Game Military Reform

Late Game Military Reform

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Some information about the late-game military reform in the mod.

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Barbarian Invasion on Med 2, V 1.0

Barbarian Invasion on Med 2, V 1.0

Demo 9 comments

Got inspired by that Europe - Ancient mod, so I've gone and decided to create a Barbarian Invasion mod, innit.

atilla music for europe barbarian invasion

atilla music for europe barbarian invasion


so i adapted my music pack from scorched ground stormbringer for this mod but there is no hun music as barbarians,nomads and huns all share the same culture...

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vitorhasnoc - - 4 comments

Found an issue after eliminating the Eastern Roman Empire. The game gets stuck, infinite messages about the old order colapse pop up (must be some sort of loop). If they get eliminated in their turn, then the game gets stuck on their turn. And if it happens on the player's turn, it gets stuck on the player's turn after you press the end turn button. Their agents don't die, no "faction destroyed" message appears

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Dragour - - 106 comments

Loving the mod so far, but it seems Colonia Agrippina can't be attacked by the AI or the player

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Valentinian Creator
Valentinian - - 29 comments

It will be fixed in the next version.

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Guest - - 693,894 comments

Hi, couple things real quick. Really nice mod friend by the way :)

Is it correct the Berbers being christians? I mean Islam didn't exist yet I know. But shouldn't they be pagan before they converted to Islam? Or they converted to christianity first and then to islam?

Also could you make a file with the skeletons in the 1.5 release with the kneeling down death animation being the animation when they die from the front? I love the kneeling down animation. It can be just a separate file for me to download and put in the game and for people that prefer the kneeling down animation when they die from the front.

Because I tried to change them myself in the demo version but it is a little bit tricky. Thanks a lot in advance!!

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Valentinian Creator
Valentinian - - 29 comments

Sorry, I don't know how to work with animations. I'm using a pack created by Valyrian_Legio, and I don't want to bother him with this type of requests.

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Valyrian_Legionnaire - - 174 comments

Berbers were Christians at that times, Arians but christians.

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Guest - - 693,894 comments

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Джейсон - - 130 comments

I also enjoy the kneeling down death animation.

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SugaryMedusa84 - - 5 comments

Have you thought about makinga new map/adapting a different map? The Justinian campaign especially would benefit from a map featuring more of Iran -- the Sassanids are fairly easy to focus down and destroy, where in reality pressure from the Shahanshah made the western campaigns inherently risky.

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Valentinian Creator
Valentinian - - 29 comments

Unfortunately, I don't have the ability or time to create a new map. The Mundus Magnus Map used by Urbgen in Europe Ancient is too big for me to handle.

In the Justinian campaign, the Sassanids will be strong enough to pose a significant challenge for East Rome.

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SugaryMedusa84 - - 5 comments

Ah ok. I'd offer to help but I'm already committed to two modding projects. Good luck with everything!

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