Eidolon Awakened is a turn-based RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world overtaken by creatures known as Eidolons. Take your place among the Summoners, able to capture and control the Eidolon to determine the fate of mankind.

Post news Report RSS Eidolon Awakened - Dev Log #7

Announcing a demo version of Eidolon Awakening coming June 10th and an insight at a bunch of different improvements made to the game in preparation for its demo release.

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It's been a few months since my last dev blog but there are been plenty of new features and improvements I'd like to share however I'd like to start with something different.

Demo and Trailer Announcement

It's been in the works for a long time now but the demo version for Eidolon Awakened is finally ready. The demo version will be accessible on Steam starting June 10th! We've also prepared a trailer to accompany this announcement.

New Introduction Cutscene

A new introduction sequence has been added into the game to help set up the world of Eidolon Awakening before the appearance of Eidolons.

Treasure Minigame

I've added a new minigame to opening data caches which involves stopping the pointer at the right time. There are multiple difficulties to this minigame with different zone sizes and pointer speeds, plus the zone location is randomized every time the minigame is initiated.

Failing the minigame doesn't result in a negative outcome, you're free to retry as many times as you want until you succeed.

UI and UX Improvements

Improving the UX of the the user interface is something I'm always looking to improve. This update, I've added an animation to activating the status screen where the player character pulls activates their Arm Terminal, accompanied with a dynamic background for the status screen.

Furthermore I've reworked the Analyze screen completely to make it easier to read at a glance and group up relevant information in clusters.

Many more quality of life changes have been made to the UI and updating it is still an ongoing process.

Overworld Improvements

Further improvements have been made to the overworld's graphics and layout. My primary objective is to brighten up the overworld screen and create a world that matches the story while keeping an appropriate layer of abstraction

That's all for this devlog, if you're interested in this game please consider wishlisting the game on Steam! The demo version of Eidolon Awakened will be publicly available on June 10th!

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