Mae govannen mellyn nín!

The current version of DaC is V5 (released on July 23rd, 2023).

The next version of DaC has no release date set (when it's ready). We will be posting preview pictures and videos of the next version's development as they are posted on our Discord.

About DaC:

Divide and Conquer is the biggest Third Age: Total War submod of all time. It contains many new factions, units, scripts, 2D artwork, campaign strategy models, battlemaps and more! DaC has been an ongoing project for 10 years now.

Faction List:
  1. Shadow of Mordor
  2. Remnants of Angmar
  3. Shadow of Mirkwood
  4. Easterlings of Rhún
  5. Haradrim Tribes
  6. Ar-Adunaim (replaced Umbar)
  7. Orcs of Moria
  8. Khazad-dum
  9. Kingdom of Gondor
  10. Principality of Dol Amroth
  11. Northern Dúnedain
  12. Kingdom of Rohan
  13. Vale of Dorwinion
  14. Dunlendings
  15. Vale of Anduin
  16. Dominion of Isengard
  17. Kingdom of Dale
  18. Breeland and the Shire
  19. Erebor
  20. Ered Luin
  21. High Elves
  22. Woodland Realm
  23. Gundabad
  24. Lothlorien
  25. Enedwaith
  26. Variags of Khand
  • Almost 200 new units!
  • 100% new UI, menu, and faction symbols
  • A unique campaign map
  • Hundreds of exciting scripted events with unique event pictures and descriptions!
  • Several unique choice scripts for certain factions which gives them branching paths with their own challenges and rewards thus allowing for replayability of those factions
  • New and improved campaign strategy models (CSMs) - each culture group has custom town-line and castle-line models with some factions having custom faction variants for their CSMs
  • New and improved resource and 'monument' CSMs - the vanilla game's resources have been updated to better represent each resource
  • New custom battlemaps that weren't present in the original Third Age mod as well as improvements to existing Third Age battlemaps
  • Hand picked music for each faction courtesy of El Monstero

For all the change logs, known bugs and useful information head to our Discord:
Divide and Conquer

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Please use Discord for questions or support with Divide and Conquer.
We no longer actively monitor Mod DB.

Mae govannen mellyn nín!
At long last, the time has come. After years of hard work, Divide and Conquer v5: A Kingdom Reunited has released and can be downloaded right now! As well as including all previous content, Divide and Conquer v5 features new major features such as:

- The option to restore either the Reunited Kingdom or
Arnor for the Northern Dúnedain
- Overhauled rosters, campaigns and scripts for Dunland,
Enedwaith and the Vale of the Anduin
- A visually overhauled roster for the Ar-Adûnaim

And many many more features, both major and minor! See the feature overview and
and full changelog below for full details.

DaC RK tree

Divide & Conquer V5: A Kingdom Reunited Feature Overview

Divide & Conquer V5: A Kingdom Reunited Full Changelog

Cair a Alph!

Divide and Conquer Modding Council

Credits, Acknowledgements and Permissions:

v5 is a product of a tremendous amount of people who have all put in hundreds of hours of effort, and the combined result of a fantastic team of DaC Modding Council that has included Arachîr Galudirithon, Hummingbird, Arkay, the Elite Dwarf, Castellan of Angmar, Callistonia, Fynn, Lerynian, the CoweringComa, White in the Black Cloud, Pythax, WIcked and Lordoflinks. We also thank our Beta Council and v5 Testers for their efforts in testing DaC, with special mentions to Sir Augmiund and Medik. v5 would also not be possible without the very generous contributors who have allowed us to use resources such as models, and animations- these include BillBaraka, Krekbel, the DCI Last Alliance Team and the Europa Barbarorum II Team.

If you would like to use assets from Divide and Conquer in other mods,
we require you to please ask for our permission before using or
releasing our assets in any other mods.

DaC V5 Public Beta Released on Discord

DaC V5 Public Beta Released on Discord

News 25 comments

The DaC V5 public beta has been released on our Discord! We will release the final version of DaC V5 after taking in bug reports from this public beta...

DaC V4 - Changelog

DaC V4 - Changelog

News 3 comments

Divide & Conquer V4 "Eriador Rises" - Changelog & Information.

DaC V3 Changelog

DaC V3 Changelog

News 2 comments

The full changelog for V3 if you fancy reading a little bit more about what has changed.

Version 2.2 Change-log

Version 2.2 Change-log


The announcement of the release of DaC V2.2 with a link to the V2.2 Change-log.

RSS Files
Divide and Conquer: v5 - A Kingdom Reunited

Divide and Conquer: v5 - A Kingdom Reunited

Full Version 89 comments

Divide and Conquer Version 5- A Kingdom Reunited. Please read the installation instructions below. Previous versions of Divide and Conquer should be removed...

[Obsolete] DaC V4.6 - Eriador Rises (+Hotfixes)

[Obsolete] DaC V4.6 - Eriador Rises (+Hotfixes)

Full Version 451 comments

DaC V4.6 is an updated version of V4.5 and includes several hotfixes that make it more stable than V4.5 (there is no new content in this release). Also...

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V4.5 - Eriador Rises

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V4.5 - Eriador Rises

Full Version 281 comments

This file is standalone - you do not need any other mod files. If you had already installed V4, you MUST delete the V4 folder.

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V4

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V4

Full Version 144 comments

Divide and Conquer Version 4. Please read the installation instructions below or watch the installation video linked.

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V3 - Submods

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V3 - Submods

Patch 52 comments

Divide and Conquer Version 3 Submod Installer for: - Total War campaign Please read the installation instructions or watch the installation video.

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V3 - The Cold North

[Obsolete] Divide & Conquer: V3 - The Cold North

Full Version 415 comments

Divide and Conquer Version 3. Please read the installation instructions or watch the installation video.

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Guest - - 693,829 comments

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Guest - - 693,829 comments

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emreg7806 - - 24 comments

Nice mod thanks

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Guest - - 693,829 comments

In the Hotseat campaign once you switch to your 2nd faction the loading symbol doesn't dissapear and you can't click anything

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kylars - - 2 comments

I'm not sure that this mode is designed for Hotseat mode, it's a feature of an old version but they must not have touched it and I'm not sure that they will... This mode is for exclusively play solo :/

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darknesscrowncitadel - - 1 comments

Ok, guys, your mod is amazing! Is it worth playing this EUR mod or is it a piece of crap made on your mod?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Mrluigi32 - - 27 comments

I have an issue with texture is scenarios. The water is purple and the terrain is black

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Guest - - 693,829 comments

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kylars - - 2 comments

Hello everyone, I'm sending this message because I have a bug with the Lorien faction script: Once I survive Mordor's assault on Caras Galadhon the next turn I have an error message at moment where the "cutscene" of the script starts and I think this is the only faction where I have a problem the others are working very well until now so I wanted to know where it comes from

thank you in advance and sorry if I make mistakes I'm not very good in English ^^

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Guest - - 693,829 comments

hi Guys, I have error message at the first turn when I change the turn. please help. so I do construction and recruit at first turn with dunedain and it kicks me out when i change turn. FYI just downloaded the game.

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Sarkhan_93 - - 15 comments

I have the same. Basically i looked for map.rvm and descr_geography_new files to delete. could not find map.rvm and deleted the second one as did for MOS mod. but still not working for dunedain. checked for other factions to see if it works, so working good with others.

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