Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

Report RSS Contra X work in progress - News Update 10 - Mortar squad

China infantry general completed his meat arsenal with this fantastic duo.

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Hi all,

Please say hello (from left to the right), to Cheng and Zhao!

After a long time, after exhausting auditions and searching for perfect candidates, we are happy to say that we have found and recruited people willing to carry and operate mortar weapon under the generals Fai command.
Call it brave, or call it stupid, but these two guys enrich the horde and complete what we had missing.
We have experimented with many different howitzer units, weapon types, but our idea was always to have mortar soldiers for this specific infantry general.

Thanks to VectorIV who provided beautiful animations and code, it really was not hard to adapt it for Contra.
Even tho third person from mortar squad quit just before this announcement, we still believe that it wont be reflected in real combat.

mortar squad

Work never stops, so stay tuned!


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Ulq - - 1 comments

I always found inf struggles with arty

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Haubibban - - 354 comments

"When the two work as one!"

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Major-11 - - 27 comments

shame the third guy quit, but I'm sure he's relegated to another mortar unit

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TacitusPPK - - 57 comments

"We have experimented with many different howitzer units, weapon types, but our idea was always to have mortar soldiers for this specific infantry general."

Well, does that mean the Mortar Squad will replace Howitzer(the one using Inferno Cannon's model) in the next version?

Anyway, the models of Mortar and its two operators are nice.

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 749 comments

Yes, atm we are testing infantry general without howitzer. So far, test do pretty well.

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TacitusPPK - - 57 comments

Ohhh great, and speak of Chinese Howitzer(Nuke General in fact), as we talked about it hours ago, will it get a real name? Like "XXX Howitzer" for example. Thanks a lot.

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Tleno - - 1,057 comments


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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 749 comments

I like this comment!

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Guest - - 693,797 comments

Hello and thank you for this wonderful work and continuous development. I liked all of your parts. I am an old supporter and a very old player. He started with you with Mod contra 005, and so far I see you as the best, but I have a simple comment. I want you to change the shape of half-III, as it is based on the design of a mosque, and this is not the work of Muslims. We respect all sacred buildings. I kindly ask you to consider this matter

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 749 comments

We thank you for playing Contra for so long and for supporting us.
If you remember, Contra had many religious details in past which we removed. For this specific structure we dont think it has anything to do with religion.
The look of structure is typical middle east design, and it is no where stated that GLA has anything to do with Muslims. GLA is imaginary side which does not exist in real life.
If anything is related to any religion, it is just pure fan fiction. For example, we have whole Angel type units named after christian angels and no one thinks this is insulting.
We do however think that maybe this structure could change, but not because of religious reasons. Hope you understand this!

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